It sounds like you are very close to the latent phase of labour, annoyingly those symptoms can last a few hours or up to a few weeks. It’s literally impossible not to focus on it at the end and overthink it so if you do get frustrated over time best to enquire about a stretch & sweep at 39 weeks and do some pumping to stimulate the nipples & therefore uterine contractions x
I had all this went in to be induced and I was having contractions on the machine and my cervix had moved forward and he was head down for months, and then took 9 days to get him out after being induced . Had two pessaries - another stronger one. Two sweeps. A Dilapan- the gel. Lost my mucus plug. They could feel his head with first sweep then the second they couldn’t even break my waters cause I got to 3cm cause he moved back up and they couldn’t reach, he seriously didn’t want to come out . And still ended up being a c section. It was so strange how it all happened x
Sounds like you are in slow labour to me, happened to me with my both my children 🥰 If you want reassurance please call your delivery ward xxx