@Abi was it difficult to get out of the habit?
We also did this and she just grew out of it and slept in her cot. I miss the long pram sleeps on the go, so enjoy them!
I ended up having to do this! Since about 14 months we could get her back into her cot but for a couple months it was defo napping in the pram or car x
YES. I did it for MONTHS because they self soothed in the pram. Then their dad started working from home and wouldn't listen to me of putting her in a cot. It messed their nap scheduling up and eventually I had to take her out in the car to nap.
No not really, just kind of happened 🤷🏽♀️ she was probs about 4 months when I started doing it and I did it a lot for ages, she’s 10 months now and has all naps in cot unless I am out then she will still nap in the pram xx
It's sustainable as long as it works for you! If you're able to take him out for a walk every day then great, go for it. Mine goes through phases where he will only nap in the pram so out we go.
Yep. Whenever he’s due a nap I put him in the pram and just rock him if I’m not planning on going out. He will sleep for a hour and half but if I settle him without the pram he will fight it and nap for 30 mins xx
Thanks all. I suppose we just need to work out what’s right for us. And I’m not sure whether it’s settling in the pram he needs or whether he requires walking the whole time. Getting him off to sleep in the pram then sitting outside in the fresh air for example is far more sustainable for walking the entire length of the nap (for me anyway, my knees get sore). Perhaps we just need to try a few things and see what works. I have just been screamed at for half an hour while rocking and shushing in a darkened room so we are currently out with the pram now. Nodded off almost as soon as I laid him down in it 😂
Honestly what ever works. If I happen to need to go out and do a food shop I just time it around her nap and sit in the car until her nap is over. If I'm at home I'll try and nap in the crib, right now she's napping on me 😂
I did this for months for every nap! Xx