That looks like tongue tie yes. My LO has it and we are going to be getting it done privately as the NHS will not do it as he is gaining weight. But it is different if you are breastfeeding too x
Looks like it to me x
Yes, if it goes like a heart shaped, it’s tongue tie X
This looks like tongue tie. My little boy has his snipped at 2 weeks old feel free to message me x
It's not usually done on visual checks but by looking at the range of motion. This is very obviously tongue tie though!
Hope you can do it via nhs. We've done ours with a private midwife who came to our house. 3 hours appt and all sorted. It does look like tongue tie... sorry! Hard to see our little ones struggling.
Thank you all. Think I’ll look at getting him a private appointment asap to get him assessed. He loves his milk but hate seeing him so unsettled at every feed and for the time afterwards x
Certainly is, speak to your HV for a referral to get it divided, or you can go private
At the division appointment talk about discomfort to both you and him
As others have said on visual assessment it looks like it is. Just note that I was advised that we were best to get our boys cut before 12 weeks as after that the procedure and recovery is slightly different and a little more complicated than when their newborn. It might be different with different NHS trusts but thought I’d mention as you best contacting your health visitor team quickly to get it done before then.
Our LO is nearly 8 weeks and awaiting appointments at end of Feb with NHS for tongue tie as like yours dribbled all the time, makes noises when drinking, has so much wind, hiccups and coughing in bottle. Was advised to change from tommee tippee bottles to MAM which have helped a little. It's odd you say NHS won't see as putting in weight, our girl is putting in weight yet still being seen by NHS.
My boy had his cut today at 8 weeks. He’s been putting on weight fine as constantly feeding but does struggle to establish the latch to the bottle. The dr said it would be fine to leave it whilst he had the scissors already in his hand ready to do it. I think it depends on each hospital trust
@Stacey our midwife and health visitor said they won’t do it for our LO as gaining weight 😢
Everyone, you need to claim both mum and baby uncomfortable for NHS assessment. Talk about baby slipping off boob and cracked nipples, or being unable to breastfeed, and baby screaming and getting wind /uncomfortable. Or similarly unable to latch to bottle. Do not trust view of any professional who looks in mouth unless they are trained in tongue tie and do an assessment inside baby's mouth (gloves on).
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I wish I would've done it properly. Could've saved money...
That’s a tongue tie for sure. My 8 week old had his snipped last week. Definitely speak to your health visitor or doctor to be referred to the ENT xxx
Thank you all for your comments. We took him yesterday and he scored 1/10 for appearance and 4/14 functionality so it definitely needed cutting. He has been so much more settled when feeding already and is drinking an oz more at every feed. Thank you all for your advice. So glad we were able get it done quickly, feel so guilty I didn’t pick up on it sooner x
That was so quick! Amazing. Glad you've picked it up. It was still early days. You're doing your best xx
Looks like it. My little girl had tongue tie but further towards the back. It was picked up on her first health check and the midwives noticed too so they referred us straight for an appointment at the Children's hospital. I'd maybe contact the children's hospital and see if you can get an appointment with the tongue tie specialist 🙂 they just snipped it really quickly and it was sorted.