Hey! My lo has a severe tongue and lip tie, I made a gp appointment initially and the gp then referred us. It didn’t take long at all really for an appointment with the ent. We went to the gwent but they won’t put a child under 1 under anaesthesia so you’d have to wait till he’s 1. They’ll only do it at the heath if the child isn’t putting weight on due to the tongue tie x
Unfortunately if this is affecting the feed, I would not wait for the NHS to do something. It would also add unnecessary complications like reflux or colic’s. With my first it took 6 months for the NHS to do something and it was a bit late. We ended up paying private as well. I would at least book an assessment with lactation consultant. ( Postpartum nurse)
I’ve found the NHS absolutely useless re my boys tongue tie. I second the recommendation of Helen at Bump Boobs Babi. She is absolutely amazing and highly recommended x
Thank you all. I had found Helen online but couldn’t see any reviews so is nice to hear others have been successful in their visits x
Yes I used private very quickly after he was diagnosed in hospital we had it divided here. https://bumpboobsbabi.co.uk/ The midwife suggested to have it done privately due to waiting times with the NHS. It was £200