Their legs are perfectly fine when bent against the chair- that’s what they’re supposed to do when rear facing. My eldest (3.5y) sits usually with his legs bent or legs crossed and is perfectly comfortable. Their legs touching the seat isn’t a sign that the seat needs to forward face or that they’re too big for it- the height and weight limit of the seat vs how big your baby is will tell you if you need to change seats.
It’s actually the law that children should be rear facing until they’re 15 months old, it’s also proven to be safer to rear face until a minimum of 4yo x
@Alex it's says upto 13kg and baby is smallest size only 7 kg, how an her legs are touching, is there any other way or remove isofix and only tie belt
@Alice I know that's why I m so confused how does that work
@Chloe thank you got you
The law in the UK is awful- most of Europe has stricter laws. Its actually recommended to rear face until they are 5 or so as its 5 times safer in a crash. Its fine for her to be pushing her legs
I have Axkid Minikid seats for both of mine (3.5 year and 1 year). They are Swedish Plus tested up to 25kg and 36kg. If you are looking for your nect seat after your infant carrier, I would highly recommend joining Carseat Safety UK on Facebook as they offer lots of great advice and fit checks on recommend seats 😊
We will be rear facing till 5 years old. Recommended looking into exte ded rear facing. Legs touching the seat is fine and child are more comfier doing this ro crossing their legs than them dangling. Joing bump yo booster on Facebook they are highly helpful
Mine is forward facing. The weight and height varies depending on the seat. The child doesn’t need to be 15kg in a weighed based seat that’s only for height based seat. So it’s entirely your choice. My son is a lot better in a front facing than he was in rear and I don’t tend to go anywhere further than 20 minutes from the house.
What size/age does your car seat go up to as it may not be big enough for her