That’s beautiful❤️ I’m so glad it worked out for you guys! Idk why I’m so nervous, it’s been so long and she seems to be happy. I don’t want to interrupt anything and honestly a little scared of possible rejection
Ive done the on again off again thing for over a decade with my high school best friend. I started to notice my life got better whenever we were off again vs in eachothers lives. The real answer to your question is this. Does she make you a better version of yourself or a worse one? And did you make her be a better version of herself? If you both were for the better, reach out! If both or even one of you would change for the worse, leave it be
@Victoria that is something I need to think about for sure. We had a lot of trauma personally that got between us.
I would 100% reach out. You clearly miss her and what’ve you got to loose? Yeah she might not reply, or might not be interested but either way at least then you know you’ve tried. Me and my bestie fell out for a good few months. Like proper fell out. I can’t even remember properly over what but I upset her. Said sorry etc she wasn’t interested so I gave up. She eventually decided to forgive me and we obvs made up. But I remember crying when she messaged me as I was just so shocked to hear from her. We’re now super close again- I’m actually debating asking her to be second birthing partner for me. Message her.