Normal poo?

We’ve started combi feeding with one bottle of Aptamil Pepti 1 a day. Since then his poos are every 2-3 days and are really runny and a lot of poo. Is this normal? He also has had a cough/runny nose for a couple of weeks which I though was lingering from a cold but now I’m wondering if it’s the formula
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Hydrolysed formulas like aptamil pepti 1 do usually make bowel movements less frequent and chnage colour and consistency. This is because there is still Cowes milk in it however it has been hydrolysed and broken down much smaller to basically make it easier to digest and go undetected in his digestive system. Most of babies poo are waste products and a lot of that comes from digestive Cowes milk, because pepti has less Cowes milk and in a smaller form it takes a few days of eating for his body to accumulate enough waste to actually have a bowel movement. Also paired with breast milk which also doesn't have a lot of waste in it it adhears to the same principles I mentioned above. And because the body need to accumulate enough waste to have a bowel movements they usually get it out in one big motion. Usually pepti makes poo more like a paste but because ur also breathing feeding this will soften it and make it more runny as well because it's been sat accumulating in his body for a while x

Pepti can also change the colour of his poo to a darker/much deeper green and this is totally normal as well, this is because the longer the stool is sat in ur body the darker it gets and because peptio makes them go every few days it's sat there a while and gives it chance to change colour so don't be alarmed if this happens. However because u r also breast feeding they may not experience this affect as well. Hope all of that makes sense, this is straight from the mouth of my sons paediatrician dietician from when he first went on to hydrolysed formula x

@Willow that is so helpful and reassuring thank you so much for replying xx

If you need to be dairy free to breastfeed baby then 99% chance they're gonna react to pepti as it contains more milk protein but broken down like your breastmilk. I'd ask for an amino acid formula. We used neocate to combi feed xx

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