My daughter is nearly 21m and I’m one and done. We feel complete with our family of 3. Thankfully contraception doesn’t seem to give me bad side effects so I’m happy on that for now but we’ve talking about vasectomies etc. I don’t see us changing our minds, but while contraception works for us we’re happy to look at more permanent solutions further down the line. If I were having these issues though I’d definitely be discussing it more immediately! Could try more natural family planning methods/condoms first?
@Charlotte we were doing natural contraception of tracking my cycles and stuff and we were success for 2 years and then I accidentally got pregnant so I'm not confident it would work again especially with how fertile u can be pp. We tried condoms but we both hate the feel and it doesn't make sex enjoyable n causes the same problems we have now where we don't have sex x
@Candise I also had an awful pregnancy and a traumatic birth as well which also put me off having another ik if I got pregnant tomorrow I would absolutely not be happy about it. I just can't imagine having to be on this longer term I only got it put it in december n I already hate everything about it x
Why can't you use the copper coil? It's non hormonal so it won't affect you
@Rebecca I have really bad crippling periods that last for weeks as it is and they r really heavy like i have to chnage period peoduct ever hour or ill bleed through. they said the copper coil will only make it worse and I might not be able to function one of the main side affects of copper coils is heavy painful periods so they said they wouldn't be comfortable giving that to me and I agree I would rather not die every period I am already and really strong painkillers on high doses for the periods I already have x
@Willow completely fair, I wouldn’t want to risk it either. I’ve also had the copper coil and it wasn’t good for me either. I don’t see myself changing my mind and like you if I found out I was pregnant tomorrow I wouldn’t be happy. Only you and your partner can make the decision, I’d maybe wait a little while if you can as 5 months pp things are still crazy (I didn’t get my sex drive back really until 17m pp) and then really think about what you want. There’s always fostering/adoption if you feel that want for children in the future but you don’t want to go through pregnancy/childbirth again?
@Charlotte It's so conflicting because I would like to see if I could have a pleasant birth and pregnancy but obviously that's not guaranteed n chances r it won't be what I hope for it to be. We will definitely be fostering in the future we have already discussed this. I think maybe it's more of a curiosity of what our other children would look like and if I maybe could have the pregnancy and birth I wanted the first time more then it is about actually wanting to add another child to our family. If I was told tomorrow I was in fertile and couldn't have anymore kids honestly I don't think it would bother me at all coz I am happy with 1 and I can always adopt more if I want more. But I do think the curiosity is what's making us hesitate with vasectomy if that makes sense x
You could store sperm before the procedure just in case you ever changed your mind.
@Brooklyn isn't that really expensive n then I would have to pay for ivf as well if we changed our minds. It's a good idea but far to expensive for a maybe baby x
My sister in law thought she was done after my nephew. Her husband got a vasectomy. They changed their minds when my nephew was 3 and did ivf. You can still collect sperm after a vasectomy through sperm aspiration.
@Willow storing the sperm is $100-500 a year depending on the facility apparently. Also don’t have to do IVF can do IUI where it’s injected while you’re ovulating. Which is $300-4,000. Insurances can also cover these depending on where you live.
Yes, changed my mind 18 months later when I saw him playing with my brothers kids.
I'm using natural cycles for contraception instead of hormones. I won't be going back on hormones. No chance. Although if it's any consolation, I'm 4 months post Partum next week and have 0 libido. None. My partner is really understanding. I kinda feel yours should be too. 5 months isn't really a huge amount of time for a huge life changing event and the trauma of birth.
A vasectomy can be reversed although there are factors that may affect how easily you could get pregnant after getting it reversed. Talk to a doctor about it.
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@Bethan I had a sex drive before I went on contraception it came bk pretty quick pp so it was definitely there n contraception took it away. I was using natural cycles to and did so successfully for 2 years and then I got pregnant by accident so it scares me to start again x
@Terra only thing is the vasectomy procedure is free but u have to pay a few thousand for the reversal and if we had that kind of money we would just do the sperm storage thing n insemination x
I was so satisfied with one but then she hit 3 and my Dr said I'd need a hysterectomy at some point and that's when it hit me that I want another one. Plus when my husband and I are gone I wanted our daughter to have a sibling. I'm on the copper iud which is a non hormonal iud. It did make my period worse but I can be fine taking 3 ibuprofen and I will take the worse period over all the side effects of the hormonal birth control. I hated the way I felt on hormonal birth control. No sex drive, weight gain and mood swings. I hated it all. It's 99% effective and I love the way i feel now.
My little one is 2 years and 3 months old (27 months) and I have been really thinking about having another child. She loves to play with kids and it makes me so sad that she doesn't get that interaction every day.
We were fine with one child, and I also am not a fan of traditional BC because of how it makes me feel. However the “tracking cycles” method failed me. Skill issue, I know. So just be aware of that lol.
I still feel one and done, and my kid will be 4 years old soon. We got a dog instead and that feels complete for us.
I originally only wanted one. One was enough for me. My daughter is now 5yrs old and I’m pregnant with number 2! Something in me was just like have another baby. My parents knew I was so against having another that they were gob smacked when I told them. Contraception wise I was only able to have the hormonal iud due to medication I was taking. I think condoms is the way to you. You may very well be one and done and that’s absolutely fine. But I wouldn’t go straight to the snip first x
I decided I wanted one more not long after my daughter’s first birthday 🙈😂 she’s just turned 2 and I’m 27 weeks pregnant. It was actually for a kind of similar reason, I was on the hormonal iud for years before I had my first and never had any issues but after I had her and went back on it my body didn’t take to it the same way. I had it in for about a year and I hated everything about it and Ive had bad experiences with other forms of contraception in the past. I wanted to get sterilised but realised I wanted one more before I did. And after this pregnancy it’s 1000% my last 😂.