Am I wrong?

Okay so my partner isn't good with money, he makes little purchases here and there often and I've tried explaining to him that £3 here and £2 there adds up and we need to be more Careful with our money. Today we were in town and my partner saw a £1 mixing bowl for baking. He said he wanted to buy it because our son accidentally broke our ceramic mixing bowl that he was using to bake with my son before hand. I then said well we have an expensive metal mixing bowl that he can use instead of wasting £1 on a new mixing bowl for baking. My partner said that he doesn't want to use the metal mixing bowl for baking as the last few times him and my son have been ill, it has been used as a sick bowl and he said he has stored it in the upstairs cupboard as a sick bowl for when people in the house are sick just in case we can't make it to the bathroom. He said that it's been used as a sick bowl for his and y sons sick for a good year now whenever they were ill. I said that it can still be used for baking as long as it's cleaned properly. He said he thinks that's gross and unhygienic and that in his family growing up they has a bowl that was a designated sick bowl and not for any other purpose so he wants to buy another living bowl to replace the one that broke and keep the metal bowl as the sick bowl...Who's in the right here? Is this a case where he needs to be better with money in general but this is a valid purchase? Or is this just another waste of money in your opinion and we can just use the metal bowl as both a sick bowl and a mixing bowl for baking?
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Using the same bowl for cooking and vomiting is disgusting

For the sake of £1 please buy the bowl

I couldn't eat anything that has touched that bowl. The waste of money here isn't the new bowl but that he decided to use your nice bowl for this purpose a year ago.

I have said to him that he often buys these little things under £5 so regularly it's ends up being hundred by the end of the month and that we don't need it because we have one at home. I explained that it's these little impulses to buy things that we already have (and sometimes have plenty of) that I want him to stop.

I agree with you in the budget aspect, just not with this specific example. Would he be open to a cash only rule for purchases like this and do an agreed upon amount each month in a designated envelope? That way he sees how much it is adding up to and hopefully gets smarter with his money?

The small purchases adding up are a valid argument to him. Just not this particular one

What other small things has he bought in say the last month? I’m 100% with him on the sick bowl, so can’t decide if you’ve given a bad example of his unnecessary spending or if you just don’t like to spend money, even on things you need. The bowl is necessary spending in my opinion!

This is why you don’t eat in other peoples houses 😮‍💨😮‍💨 buy the bowl 🤢

Yea I absolutely would never use that bowl to cook with again..this just makes me think of how many other people think like that, I hope no where that I’ve ate at 😩😩🤢🤢 please spend the money for a new one, hopefully the rest of the stuff he buys isnt as needed and he can learn to cut back more..maybe lay out all your bills and needs, and minus everything from your monthly income to show him how much is left over and decide how much pocket/spending money you both get per month

I agree with buying stuff here and there adds up for unnecessary purchases but if a mixing bowl was broken and it was used regularly than yes buying another one is a necessary purchase. Maybe try to find one even cheaper ? I got mine at Walmart 2 for $5 dollars and they are huge. Please don’t use the same bowl your family uses to throw up in. Doesn’t matter how clean it is unless your soaking it in bleach it’s not effectively killing what’s on the surface and then at that point it’s not safe due to the bleach. Not to mention the mental aspect of knowing you’re eating something from a dish you’ve vomited in. Sorry he wins on this one!

Girl ew. There is no point in cleaning that. Food shouldn’t mix with waste. Ever. Would you pour shit water in your kitchen sink? Let him buy the cheap bowl.

separate bowl * SEPARATE BOWL ****

In general, you're right, little purchases add up but in this particular example, you are very much in the wrong. That bowl is now your sick bowl (why he decided to use an expensive bowl I don't understand but it's done now) so you do need to replace the broken bowl. £1 is nothing to argue about in this context

I will literally give you £1 to buy the new bowl, girl don’t use the other bowl

Poor guy.. let him have the £1 bowl 🤣

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Use the metal bowl for cooking and the crappy £1 one for when they're sick. Though if you want the metal one can 100% be cleaned and used for food so joint use. Plastics less so because there are microscopic fissures in plastic that will retain contamination

Your partner should buy a new bowl. I’m not sure I can get the idea of using the same bowl for those two purposes out of my mind now 🤢 It’s making me nauseous just thinking about it.

I also think you’re at risk of becoming financially controlling if this is the route you start to go down. He wants to buy a bowl for £1, rather than use a bowl that he knows people have vomited in. I really think you need to strongly reflect on this…. alternatively he needs to strongly reflect on the description you’ve given of how things are going.

I agree that little bits add up and the principle of it makes sense. However, for this specific scenario, I think he is in the right. Yes, you have another mixing bowl at home but it is serving a different purpose at the moment and honestly I wouldn’t want to bake from a bowl that was used multiple times for vomit! I wouldn’t use this example to get your point across to him because honestly I he’s right and it won’t add much weight to what you are saying which is actually a really good point.

I agree that it’s a good point that small items can add up really quickly. But it’s something he has to take on board himself, rather than being told when he can and cannot spend £1 or similar, unless of course you’re on the breadline. It’s a life lesson, but a person can’t be expected to lose autonomy to that degree.

You're not wrong about all little spends adding up, however on this occasion I'd buy the bloody bowl!

That’s gross! let him buy the bowl! Not that he should ask for your permission to buy a £1 mixing bowl though, that’s actually crazy! If I was out and wanted to get something for a pound and I was told no by my partner I’d be so embarrassed no matter how bad I am with money. If it’s something we didn’t need for over £10 fair enough but come on 😭

Is it really that big of a deal though, £1 bowl🫣🫣

I think you need to look deeper to what the real issue is here. You’re getting upset with him wanting to spend £1. There must be something else going on that’s really bothering you. Also why don’t you get one of those £1 washing up bowls and use that for throwing up in! Then nobody’s going to try and cook in it as well.

This can't be a serious post 🤣🤣 that's ridiculous and gross that you want them to eat something from a sick bowl 🤮

Please just spent the £1 on the bowl 😂 I understand your point but this time you really need to just buy a new one.

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