first at 19 second at 21 third at 22
1st and only at 39 😅
One and only child at 26 years old. I felt ready, I always wanted to be a young mom.
I turned 25 8 days before our first was born and will be turning 27 about a month before my twins are born.
Got pregnant at 21, gave birth at 22, idt I would've been prepared at any age tbh but I've grown so much since
First and only at 32, I was ready from 30 but I wanted to be married first and Covid pushed us back a bit.
I was 33 with my first now 39 and pregnant with my second. I had things I wanted to tick off the list before having a child so I didn’t have any regrets.
37 with my first and now 40 with my second ( albeit very early stages )
29 with my first & last 😂 I don’t want anymore 😊 his dad has 3 other children from previous relationship so it’s like he isn’t an only child 😂
I had my baby 2 weeks before I turned 19 and I was ready. To an extent because you can’t be prepared for it all. I took a different approach to school rather than going to high school so by 17 I had my high school diploma a certification in automotive and an associates degree. So I feel like I was ahead of a lot of people. Since then life circumstances have changed tho. I’m not where I was when I got pregnant and had baby so really no matter if ur ready or not life can change so fast.
Had my daughters at 18 and 21 😊 had my son when I was 24 and having baby #4 when I'm 25. Pregnancy was a lot easier at 18 vs 25 😅 it feels easier to mom with 3(4 soon) than it was with 1 sometimes
Pregnant at 21, gave birth past due date a couple days after turning 22. Was I ready? I’ll say I rose to the occasion and became the mom I needed to be. My second I had at 25, I was 1000% ready because it was my second and we had been trying.
I was 26 when my first was born and 28 when my second was born
Eldest at 29 and youngest at 30
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Trusted by 5M+ women
First at 25, second at 27. I was so ready. We started trying when I was 23, but infertility made that timeline longer than I had planned.
Got pregnant at 18 finishing up my senior year. Graduated and had my son in October.
I was 25 wit my first born, 28 wit my middle child, and 29 wit my youngest
First baby @ 21 and I was soooo ready I was happily in love and stable! second baby @ 29 and nooo so not ready ! But I was ready to give my baby a sister ! 🥰
First: 21 - born October 6th (5) Second: 26 - born December 6th (2 months old) I mean, it was planned and I was all up for it. I guess I was ready 😅 My husband on the other hand had second thoughts but still went through with it. Even though he wasn’t ready but after having our first, he loves being a father. He grew up without a father and now he has kids of his own, he questions how a parent can be heartless and leave. First: He’s definitely a handful but wouldn’t trade it for anything. He was an easy, chill newborn though. Second: Easy and chill newborn but not sure if he’ll be more calm or a wild one like his older brother.
I was 23 with my 1st child
First baby at 43 after years and years or fertility treatments, just found we are pregnant with our second, ill be 45 when they are born.
1st was born one month after I turned 19. 2nd was born 2 days before my 23rd birthday. 3rd 29 4th 30
37 and we were definitely ready. It took longer than we'd hoped, and while we definitely do not have the energy we used to and my husband has back pain, we're grateful to be in a stable financial situation in a house that we own, with a lot of family support, so our daughter wants for nothing. It would have been different in our 20s, the business was just starting out and had years of ups and downs.
I was 24 with my 1st child and 25 with my 2nd child