I usually mix the cereal with juice because especially rice will make them not poop
We do a really diluted apple juice with a cup with a straw. Apple juice can help keep babies pooping regularly and the water you mix in will be really good for hydration. Usually around 4 ounces a day is all you need, it’s more of practicing drinking with a straw and getting used to liquids other than milk. We dilute until you can taste a little bit of apple
Pediatricians recommend no juice until 12 months old unless they need it for constipation! Their fluids should be breastmilk or formula until then 👍🏼 https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/139/6/e20170967/38754/Fruit-Juice-in-Infants-Children-and-Adolescents?autologincheck=redirected
@Megan I think it just depends on who the pediatrician is… my pediatrician and my WIC office recommended me to introduce water / VERY diluted juice starting at 6 months. There’s a lot of pros and cons for waiting or starting juice and water, I think it’s just up to what you and your kiddo are comfortable with ❤️
Juice really isn't necessary and like Megan, I would wait. Better to offer water or milk and save the fruits for puree type things. Juice strips away fiber and really doesn't offer any benefits other than taste at this age.
Just dilute with some baby water I’m currently trying apple juice with baby but he was already drinking Pedialyte little by little for the electrolytes
Wic told me after 6 months. But like diluted af. Or they'll never stop pooping. But they say milk from mom (or a bottle no judgement mine is a bottle) juice from a cup. (Sippy or open cup not a bottle)