I don’t have one just winging life currently with a 1 year old too 🫣🫣🫣 I think it took me a few weeks with my first to figure it out on my own and it wasn’t really until I started doing classes and she was sleeping a bit more at night that I really started getting in a routine.
The only routine I have is making sure I get out the house at least once a day, whether it’s just a short walk around the block or out to the shops/to see family. I also try to get up after baby’s 7am feed no matter how tired I am, I find I’d just spend all day in bed otherwise
Until 3 months I'm not even attempting a routine. Just whatever is right for me and baby day by day x
I don’t tend to get out of bed until around 10:30am and if I’m super lucky, I’ll get an extra bit of sleep because the baby tends to do a nice morning nap around 9am. If I get up any earlier, the day feels so long! I try and get out of the house every day, whether that’s a short walk with the dog, getting a coffee or doing errands. But aside from that, it’s just chill, feed, sleep…if I can get another nap in during the day, that’s a great bonus (although baby likes to contact nap during the day). Partner has been back at work for a week and I have no expectations for myself other than just surviving right now! Baby is just under 3 weeks old. When she gets slightly more robust or I feel more confident, we’ll factor in baby classes
My partner usually changes and feeds before he leaves at 7:30 and baby then usually settles for a little bit longer, I’ll try and get a bit more sleep or possibly have a shower/ breakfast ect during this time. Then most of the day is dictated by baby (5 weeks old) when the weather is dry trying to get out with the pram for a reasonable walk around lunch time
My husband leaves early and will often be out of the house 12hrs. I don't have a set routine as I try not to put too much pressure on the days. We always go out for a walk, even if just 15 minutes as it's one of the only ways I can get her to sleep. I have classes booked but won't always go, just depends how she is,! We are still doing easy meals as I often can't cook due to my daughter crying or feeding or not letting me put her down. So my husband gets home, we eat and prep for the evening and then he takes her from 8-10 whilst I get a few hours of sleep. I then have her the rest of the night.
Following ☺️ x