Oh bless you! Please don’t worry or feel upset, honestly little boy’s hair grows so fast. Super cat speed as my little boy would say! Within a month you’ll hardly notice and someday soon this will be just a funny story that you can tell people!!!! Please do not feel bad, you are doing your very best and sometimes they just kick off. Thinking ahead to help you for the future. Next time could you use bribery? That always works with my son, we make the haircut into an event. So he has his hair cut and then we go for pizza. You could even drop some treats into the hairdressers and take him in a few times before the actual cut and they give him something nice. So that next time he associates it with really nice stuff?!? Just a thought! Know they can be tricky. Have a lovely evening and remember you can always pop a hat on him for the next couple of weeks. Plus random haircuts are super in vogue now. Anyone says anything negative, just say this is a hipster cut! We love it! X
@Emma this was a really lovely message and made me smile, so thank you so much x
@Claire it is so hard isn’t it 🫣 I won’t ever underestimate the barber again 🫣😂 thank you though. Glad to hear I’m not the only one that’s done it lol x
You aren't the worst mum. My son absolutely hates hair dressers. Full on traumatised. Last time he was a lot better. This time back to being full on traumatised to point had to walk away with half a hair cut. 🙃 His hair will grow back , you're doing your best xx
Oh my oldest boy used to hate the barbers and once we had a similar experience they talked me through how to do it well he kicked off so much we took a right chunk off and ended up having to shave the lot all summer he looked like Shaun from this is England 😂 luckily because it was summer we just stuck a cap on it grew back in no time 🥰 now he loves the barber .. it’s just hair lovely could have been worse could have cut off an arm 😉 one day you’ll look back and laugh about it x
As a mum whose child also hates hair cuts you’re not a bad mum! We have to hold maxi down and restrain him we’ve tried everything, you have to do what it takes, buzz cut it all and let it grow back!
You’re not the worst Mum in the world! It will grow, this happened to me with my oldest in lockdown, I thought oh how hard can it be (turns out harder than you think!) and I had to shave the whole lot off 🫣 don’t beat yourself up about it, you’ll laugh when he’s older like I do now with my oldest son! x