Hi, what you’re feeling is fairly normal providing you’re pregnant. I get my up and downs and I know it’s just my hormones. The best thing to do is speak to a midwife about your mental health and they can advise you and offer the right kind of support. They’re really good and take things like mental health issues seriously (well did with me). So don’t let it manifest! And it gets better!
Hey! I’m exactly same as you, 12 weeks yesterday & scan on Monday 💖 I have been having super low un-motivated days, they are so hard to struggle through aren’t they xx
I’m the same honestly it’s the worst but then I cry cos I feel guilty for being down the hormones are giving me whiplash
Thanks for your replies I’m so irritated tooo that just makes me cry😂been awful today hate it xx
Totally relate! Have on and off days where I'm down/lacking motivation and wanting the pregnancy to be further along or over/ have met the baby. I put it down to hormones and our bodies working on overdrive. Be kind to yourself and hope the scan on Monday perks you up :) Every scan I've had definitely has boosted my mood x