Mine throws up if he is not burped properly, but he also has bad reflux and will spit up much later. Is he possibly asking for milk when already windy? Or having too much in one go? X
I think it might be my flow which is super super fast and a bit of reflux. She takes in a lot and sometimes chokes on it. We have had some latch problems and have been referred to infant feeding, I have rather large boobs and she has a good amount of nipple in her mouth but still clicking so midwife thinks she might be taking in air at the same time as feeding. She also hardly ever poos!!!
Try keeping her upright for at least 20 mins after feeding and a good burping. Have you tried feeding her with getting her latched and then you sort of laying back, this can sometimes help baby manage the flow better x
Omg we're the exact same! I have a super fast flow so baby struggles at the breast sometimes choking or pulling off to gasp for air and also makes clicking sound. I also have big boobs so I've been trying to feed her in a reclining position. She's been spitting up after each feed and poos every 3 days. She's has latch problems from day 1 too.
Possibly an allergy to something you’re eating? Sensitive to feeding positions? Or are they having any problems latching?