Wanting more sweet stuff this time. Last time it was all salty and I had a boy.
Grapefruit, lemon, and cheese salad baguettes.
At the moment im addicted to orange juice and those orange juice ice lollies, and I absolutely cannot stand meat at the moment!!!!
I was all sweet cravings in my first pregnancy and he’s a boy. This pregnancy haven’t got any specific cravings but not sure on gender yet x
I haven’t got cravings specifically, but my appetite is through the roof! Barely wanted to eat anything the first time and had so many aversions (baby boy!). Don’t know the gender of this one yet
Twister ice lollies and anything salt and vinegar and having a 🩷
Mini eggs and bacon and egg muffins from McDonald’s 🙈 not helpful with Hyperemesis ! I’m loving ice cold lemon water too x
Salt and vinegar crisps, oranges & orange juice, I deff have more of a sweet tooth atm then I usually would! Had so many aversions for foods, takeaways n fruit go down best! 😂 Finding out the gender in 5 weeks!!! 😊
All the fruit! Anything salt and vinegar too x
I’m currently have a craving for chicken salads with plenty of pickles 😍