Yes and yes - my baby ran a slight fever when he was teething and he’s perfectly healthy this helped me
My ped literally said yesterday that her random fever must’ve been teething
Thank you!!
I know that supposedly teething doesn’t cause fevers but our baby got a mild (slightly above 100) fever right before every tooth he’s gotten.
Yes they do! Every time at the beginning of teething, all my babies get fevers. Usually low, mild grade. No its NOT a myth. Mom of 4 soon to be 5. I usually do teething gel for pain, moltrin for fever and fussiness and frozen fruits and veggies for teething. The fever will go away, take a breath, you got this momma
@Vanny thank you so much! Very reassuring. My concern is that her first tooth has not cut yet, and she has had teething symptoms for a looong time now. Not a fever, though. Today I saw whitish so I think this time it is real.
teething doesn’t cause fevers definitely a widespread myth fever is considered 100.4 and above also i’ve recently learned rectal temperature is the most accurate underarm is the least and remember if you are doing underarm to add ONE DEGREE to the answer being read the no touch thermometers are good if u do the reading on their back not their forehead it isn’t very accurate but for fevers it’s not so much the number as it is to what else is going on, or how long if it’s more than 3 days of high fever u should get it checked but low grade fevers with normal behavior, still eating still active doesn’t sound concerning 🙏🏽 just keep an eye on it