Witching hour

How are soothing our babies in witching hour? I have a 4 week old baby, formula fed, who every couple days will cry for an hour/ 2 hours non stop in the evening. I don’t think it’s colic etc as it isn’t everyday.
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Could it be trapped wind?

My baby had been like this the last could of days too😩 she’s also 4 weeks old x

Take note of the time it happens and start your bedtime routine a little earlier.

Our little one used to like being held in the ‘tiger in a tree’ position and also when we gently bounced on the yoga ball. All usually in a dark room or with dimmed lights. We also tried classical music which seemed to work a few times. Hope that helps you!

Loud music & dancing with baby in my arms/sling

Getting outside worked for us! We’d just bundle her up no matter the time and get out for some fresh air on a walk even round the block. Seems so long ago she was in the witching hour phase 🥺

One of the theories about witching hour is that there is so much development and stimulation going on during the day, and everything is so new, that newborns have trouble "shutting off" at the end of the day. It can help to have a consistent routine and a low stimulation setting (no tv, low light, etc) for the evening to help them settle for sleep.

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