Same happened to me! Zero itching with first pregnancy, tons of itching this time haha. I also got checked for cholestasis just in case, and nada!!
I am one of those posters 😅 my 1st blood work actually came back a bit worrying with high liver enzymes but I'm still waiting for the 2nd test to come back. I will probably hear their conclusions at my next appointment.
This is so weird because I randomly started with all over body itching in the night - I am also 34 weeks today. I’m worrying if I should get checked out - it only started last night though!
@Melissa yeah I have to get another type of test done just to be sure my enzymes were a little high, but they said that alone doesn't necessarily mean it's something wrong
@Sophie yeah, it's best to get checked to just to be sure it's not cholestasis
@Nicole I haven’t had anymore today though!
@Sophie that's great! It could just be your skin stretching that cause the itching.
surprised your bloodwork came back so fast! they told me i’d have to wait about a week for mine. glad it looked good, if it gets worse i’d keep bringing it up and have them recheck