I did. I didn’t swap because I wanted to. I swapped because he had a red raw bleeding pus-sy rash from Huggies nb. So I bought 6 packs of 6 mama Koala, 70 cloth wipes and never touched a sposie again I was too scared. But, LOVED THEM. Loved them so much I was active in the Fb groups and made it to mod for a couple years 😂 I found the routine easy. And no running out, no stinky bins, no blowouts 🙌 no leaks, and they are CUTE AF. Do it girl! From 6w-2y3m when he trained we just used cloth. I prewash daily and main wash on Day 3 then as he got older and used less, Day 4
For anyone reading per child they use 6000-7000 disposable nappies and 22,000 wipes over 3yrs. That’s INSANE when you see the numbers like that. Enough to fill up 20 big recycle bins worth. Not to mention yes each one takes ~500yrs to decompose. Might not even, when they’re wrapped up in plastic
We’ve used reusable wipes since our daughter was born and started the move to reusable nappies slowly at 1 month old (we have one size nappies so they wouldn’t fit her before that). The wipes are great, I actually find them a lot nicer than disposable because they’re thicker and I’ve found they make it less likely I end up touching anything I don’t want to! Usually only need 1 wipe for pees and 2 for poops. Have 75 total and once the mucky tub is full we just move them into a small bucket in the bathroom and chuck them in the wash whenever we next do a tumble dry wash. Nappies wise we tried a few different brands to start (bought 1 nappy from each). Would really recommend doing this because with a couple of the ones we tried we would’ve just give up and assumed reusable wasn’t for us as she really hated a couple of them. We use them full time now, dirties go in a waterproof laundry bag and it all goes in the wash when full (roughly every 3 days)
@Katie yep I have long nails always have and not once using cloth wipes have I ever accidentally touched poop w my nails…. They’re nice and thick. And one wet wipes off everything, I just like another dry wipe to pat dry but it’s not really needed.
Interested in this! How do you find changing nappy when you’re out and about and having to carry round the dirty nappy?? (FTM 25 weeks)
@Jade we buy what they call “wet bags” (same material as the diaper so sometimes you can literally buy the same print diaper and wet bag to match” double zip or one zip, mini med or large, and we roll the diaper up and put it in zip it up and deal w it when we get home, the wet bag keeps in any smells
@Kellie thank you! Not seen those, was the only thing putting me off reusable!
@Jade what I would add is that wet bags are usually machine washable. So once the nappy goes in it doesn’t have to come out again. Just unzip the bag and toss it in the machine. We didn’t have a wet bag for home for the first few weeks and I felt so gross having to handle around 10 dirty nappies all at once to get them into the machine (so much worse than just dealing with them one at a time). But the wet bag now means they get chucked in when she’s changed and I don’t touch that nappy again until it’s clean!
@Katie thank you good to know!!
It takes 500 years for 1 disposable diaper to decompose. 🤯 I just started using cloth diapers for the past week or so. I find them really easy. I like the snaps on them. And I just toss them in a laundry bin with a laundry bag on the inside. And I toss the whole thing in the washer machine. I wash once on cold with extra rinse. And once on hot with extra rinse. I use persil powder and they come out amazingly clean. We were told if he was just on breastmilk, I could throw it all in without rinsing (pee and poop). But since he’s been on solids, we rinse the poop first before tossing in the bin to wash.