My daughter does this as well. I call her my little chubby queen specifically because she eats like this lol. The only problem is she eats too fast and sometimes chokes :(
Totally normal. 100%
my baby does that all the time too, i think it’s adorable. i searched it up, found it means their content and enjoying themselves
Mine does this too :))))
My baby breastfeeds and sounds like this! 🩷
Totally normal
Definitely normal 💕 feeding my girls while watching this as she is basically echoing yours lol
My toddler did this she had reflux bit I don't think it had anything to do with it
My baby makes snort notices and similar sounds link yours. U asked the doctor and she says the wind pipe of some babies are very soft, and when Air hits the wind pipe it makes those notices like how their skull gets stronger gradually the soft pipes’s walls will get harder and the snorts will stop eventually. The time take for the baby to kit this growth sprout varies.
Pretty sure it's normal. My son grunts and fights and squeals for the first few minutes. Like he hasn't eaten in days. 🤣