I second by a lot of tummy time! 5x a day doesn’t have to be for a long time! Do you eat a lot of greens yourself? I find that when I eat salads, a lotttt of veg, my boy poos more 😆
My baby girl is EBF and was going every 10 days. I started eating a pear a day and she started going every day!!
We have the exact same thing with ours and have been constantly back and forth with the doctor! He wouldn’t go for 9 days at a time and by the time it’s nearing 9 days he would be in so much pain. He also has very smelly and painful wind too so I am thinking he might have a slight cows milk intolerance but it’s so hard to get it diagnosed so I am going to cut out dairy for a few weeks and see if it helps x sorry that’s probably not that helpful! We have also started giving him a bottle of formula before bed it’s an aptimel constipation and colic one and I don’t know if it’s coincidence but he does seem to be going slightly more regularly xx
At one point my little boy was only pooing every 10 days, I was told it's normal for an exclusively breastfed baby because there is so little waste in breast milk. I was also advised that if when he does pass stool that it's the normal baby poo consistency then he's not constipated. When I had him checked his abdomen was soft and he wasn't in discomfort. To be honest when we tried giving him laxatives to help it made things worse as he ended up with griping pains. I have found that since we've been doing more tummy time his frequency has now increased and he now goes once every 3 days. I also found that making sure I was adequately hydrated has helped. You know your baby best and if you feel that he's in discomfort I'd take him to the dr