Been at the hospital for the past 3 days and the nurses are absolutely clueless when it comes to food and GD. Offering me cakes and biscuits, giving me white bread. Surely they should have different options for GD no? I’m starving but don’t know what to eat as the meals I’ve had on the ward have spiked my sugars.
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When I was in for my induction they gave me the “cardiac” menu to choose from. Because it had friendlier options

Unfortunately they have no clue at all, when I was kept in they brought me orange juice and cake and then I had a panic attack as I had a hyper and they told me to just eat it 🙃 I was kept in for not eating enough and the menu made absolute no sense. My mum brought me food to save me the anxiety

It's a bit of a shocker, the food options in hospital are really GD unfriendly. Toast for breakfast, cake and biscuits. Even when I was in for an inpatient induction the options were pathetic. My husband brought me food instead (main meals were ok it was breakfast and snacks that were worse)

@Simone sounds like it’s different in different countries..

@Ayesha honestly it’s pathetic, knowing that’s a ward for pregnant women and majority have gd, it’s really bad they don’t have any gd friendly options! It made me feel really crappy too as I was so hungry and couldn’t eat I ended up going to M&S and getting myself food!

@Ella yes exactly, I had bread (not even toast) and they gave me jam which I had no choice but to eat as I was starving and ofc it gave me a high reading! I had a chilli con carne and it made my reading go up the highest they’ve been in the last 3 weeks!

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