Am i being a AH

Might be abit long winded this as im rubbish with typing stuff out. Iv gone back to work, a mix of part time and full time weeks, the last week has been FT and next week is FT this is my only day off with baby. On saturdays if i dont work my partner will work so i am left with his daughter and our daughter till he gets back and then he does some garden with my dad as we are having to rip it up and start again with it. I always make sure we get outdoor time while partner is on the garden ie walk to the park, take sd out in her scooter always just me sd and baby. The past 3 weeks he has worked then in the garden, on sunday just garden. I worked yesterday 7-5:15 went to asda as he didnt go get any tea sorted, cooked tea, got baby ready for bed went and spent 1.5hrs ironing then put baby to bed as he didnt get her to sleep. This morning me and baby have got up got dressed and was about to go to asda sd wasnt up and dressed and he asked me if i had got sd up aswell so i said no baby was getting aggy so i got her dressed n was gunna ho do the food shop. Now we are in full blown argument because i didnt get sd up to come food shopping with us then he tells me my dad is coming up so they can work on the garden again. I just wanted to quickly go get food shop as we had nothing in and would have gone out this afternoon. He said he doesnt was sd sat in the house watching tele all day but then proceeds to go and do his own thing without communicating with me and now i meed to make sure sd gets out the house for abit when i was ready for a day in the house to chill and do some cleaning as none has been done this past week while iv been at work. Sorry for how long winded this is From a overwhelmed and tired mama😴🤣
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That would annoy me too! If he is expecting you to sort his daughter out he needs to ask not assume

@Kerry exactly that!! I wouldnt mind the presumption but the fact hes in the house, not in the garden yet and asking me if iv got his daughter up and told her to get ready like iv just got our 10 month old up and dressed and hes got himself dressed and not thought to get sd up until i said i was gunna asda?!

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