@Hailey regular they're lose with a lot of mucus no matter what she's on she bloats badly after every feed
@Victoria Aguilar are they regular? It seems like she’s holding in lots of poop. Or possibly is extremely gassy. Seed oils are inflammatory and she possibly could be reacting to that. The brands I listed I believe are options that don’t use seed oils. Otherwise you could try donor breastmilk? I’ve never formula fed my kids so I don’t have personal experience, but do have friends that needed to use donor milk instead. Either way I agree you that this bloating is not normal.
@Hailey yes she goes regularly yesterday I changed 4 poop dipers day before about 5 poop so she's not constapted or anything she passes gas fine and I took her to the er bc it was bad all they told me was "we can't do anything" and sent us home was there from 9:17 till 12pm just for them to say that she has no infections no rsv no covid she's fine in that area they took her vitals while she was eating bc they weren't able to get a heart rate just her oxygen (that was 97) while she was eating her oxygen tanked to 62 they didn't say anything about that either just said that its "normal" idk it's all very frustrating im tired of seeing her in pain her uncontrollably crying since the end of January with only a few calm moments in between 🫤
@Victoria Aguilar if all of that checks out, I really think it’s gut related. Something in the formula isn’t agreeing with her tummy. Try one of the other ones I listed.
@Hailey definitely will im gonna have her dr send us to a GI specialist
Have you tried infant probiotics?
@Rachel been giving her grape water to help with her gas but it's not doing much
@Victoria Aguilar I’d definitely try probiotics! Gripe water can sometimes help but probiotics can help heal the gut, help the gas, long term.
@Rachel definitely will! Thank u!
Have you tried grip water. I know some people don't wanna use it but it helps with gas etc. It won't hurt
@Kaylis yes I've been giving it to her
Have you tried the Frida wind passer? I just used it in my daughter her stomach was looking similarly!!
Was it a regular hospital or a pediatric hospital that turned you down?
@Abigail pediatric er dr
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If your baby has mucous in stool it often indicates a mily allergy. I would try a hypoallergenic formula like Alimentum. My daughter had the same thing and turned out she had a milk allergy!
A milk *
@Karen she has she still had mucus in her poops and still extremely bloated
my daughter had similar symptoms and had a milk allergy! we had to switch to neocate hypoallergenic formula and her symptoms went away
Have you tried gripe water?
@Jennie yes I give her grape water
Have you tried a pediatric chiropractor? They can help with reflux and other digestive issues. That and probiotics did wonders for my little guy. We used BioGaia. I know others mentioned a milk allergy - you could try goat milk formula if it's a cows milk protein allergy. A friend of mine uses Kabrita. I hope you can find something that helps! 🩷
How are her bowels movements? Have you tried a cleaner brand of formula like HiPP, by hearts, little oak, or kendamil? Unfortunately similar isn’t very clean and for some babies it can cause some inflammation like gut issues.