Digestive problems?

Hi, we’re first time parents and we are really struggling with our 3 week old. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar symptoms and if they seem normal for a breastfed baby… • ⁠He seems in a lot of discomfort - kicking legs out, arching back, bringing knees to chest, throwing arms out, going rigid and going red. Seems to be when he needs to fart • He won’t settle at times, he is sometimes screaming not just crying. Other times he will settle on my boob, feed/soothe for a bit, fall asleep but then wake up shortly after in discomfort. It’s like he’s really tired but can’t sleep because he’s uncomfortable. When he wakes he wants to go back on my boob and then will fall asleep before waking up again shortly after. That cycle can be for 5-6 hours straight. • It’s worse at night but also happening in the day now⁠ too / 3 hours today so far • He’s really windy (farting loads and they are really eggy) • He is difficult to burp - infacol helped a little with this • He’s not pooing regularly (went 5 days last week without, then pooed 2 days consecutively and it’s now been 2 days again with nothing). When he was first born was pooing every day • His stomach is gurgling a lot • ⁠He can wake up from a sleep gulping a lot • He has 2 lumps in his groin which Dr thinks may be lymph nodes
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I had to give up my postnatal supplements, something was constipating my baby, resulting in similar behaviour. I had to do some blood tests in order to see what actual supplements I need, not just take the entire complex. Now introducing one supplement at a time to see which one is upsetting my baby. If you're taking supplements might be worth revisiting them. Hope this helps. But obviously can be other reason why your baby is feeling discomfort.

Hi, I have a 5,5 week old girl. So the discomfort but is normal and probably started at the same time as they are learning to use their muscles used to poop and fart - seems to be settling a bit however still happening now. I did use the Frida windie but just the once when I could see she was really struggling and been better since so not used as I want her to learn to use those muscles properly by herself. With the crying i try different positions as it may simply be that they are uncomfortable due to tummy issues. My girl is also very gassy but as long as they are passing it, it’s all good. I’ve started doing a little tummy massage along with bicycles 3 times a day to help plus a nice warm bath everyday. Since the gassiness started she doesn’t seem to need burping as much but I just put her up on my chest for a few mins after every feed as it helps with reflux and also if she needs to burp it seems to just come out then too 😊 x

I also feed at an incline and take boob away if she starts gulping to slow her down then give it back - sorry didn’t realise I wrote so much! 🤣

Hey, first time mum to a 4 week old girl here - mine has similar issues, she’d arch and grunt all the time, look to be in discomfort and it does get worse at night, however she’s putting on weight nicely plus has dirty nappies regularly after every feed. I was worried about it too but pretty much everyone I discussed this with said it’s a normal newborn behaviour. Regarding being constipated for a few days, I’d check with a health visitor / doctor x

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