We just toilet trained our son (using the same method) he had a few accidents with poo. Super gross but eventually he got it. In the book it says to put him on and pretend to forget something in the other room, leaving him in private to 💩 which might help.
@Greta Thanks lovely. We have been trying that too. The two 💩 s that were done on the potty, he asked us to go away, so we did. We have been leaving the room all the other day to 'get something' but it doesn't seem to come. I've tried to find out why he may withholding but I haven't discovered it yet. Hopefully in time, he will get into the swing of it and feel more comfortable with going 😄
Hiya! We had the exact same issue after potty training in the summer. Withholding poo was a big issue x he was prescribed laxative sachets for a few weeks to make it easier/less scary for him. We also watched lots of poop kids videos on YouTube and played toys/blew bubbles whilst on the toilet to make it more fun :) he goes all the time now x
@Kerri Thank you. We have offered to put a nappy on to help with the 💩 but he doesn't want a nappy...which is fair enough 😂. You are right it definitely does take patience and time. I know he will get into a habit sooner or later 😄
I know others who played some video they like on their phone and left them with it, helping to relax. Don’t advise doing it always, but in the begging when they are not yet fully comfortable might be worth a try. If that doesn’t work, then it will just have to be a waiting game with a few struggles like this in the beginning ☺️
My sister gave me a great tip……get them to blow on something when sat trying to poop. Like a balloon or a whistle,recorder anything like that. They won’t be focused so much on the sensation of pooping but it uses the same muscles to poop! Good luck 🤞🏼
We had this initially to start with we would sit him on the potty and gave him our tablet to play games with so he sat there for a while. I also made sure he was having lots of high fibre food making him want to go more often and the poos soft so it wasn’t painful for him. My niece is 4 and only poos in a nappy but wees on toilet at one point my son was desperate for nappy but i would just keep redirecting him to the potty I didn’t want to confuse him by letting him use a nappy. He did have a few accidents initially but soon got the hang of it now he loves doing a poo on potty and announcing it to everyone.
Thank you so much everyone. I really appreciate everyone's advice and words of wisdom. Fingers crossed things will gradually change over time 🤞. Nice to know that we are not alone with it. Thank you 🩷
Weve had poo troubles since starting (new years day) and its now just been in last couple days shes actually took herself to go without being scared. Before she was holding it for 4 days at a time, making it so painful for herself. I was given regular lactulose to soften it but she could still hold it that long. Its been a long process for number 2s but it does get better xx
I’m in the middle of toilet training my daughter. She does a 💩 in her nappy then asks to go to the toilet. I’m thinking of putting her in big girl knickers then putting her on the toilet every half an hour to see if that works. It does just take patience and eventually they will get in the habit. Good luck 💩