baby’s sick

mom guilt has been eating at me bc i got my baby sick, i know it’s inevitable but i still feel bad. she’s almost 10 months on the 19th. has anyone’s babies gotten sick yet?
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My baby has been sick every month since November. It’s sooooo hard. She has a virus now, but flu A in January and norovirus in December

My baby is also 10 months old. My oldest is in daycare and came home with the flu and we all got it. Absolutely sucks seeing my babies sick, & with something viral there’s literally nothing that I can do other than rotate Tylenol/motrin, the pediatrician said tamiflu only shortens duration by a day & has terrible side effects . It makes it worse bc I have a scheduled C-section this week & I’ll have to be away from my babies and also the horrible cough😩

Currently going through this the past 2 weeks . Viral infection that turned into an ear infection.

You're allowed to feel bad but don't beat yourself up about it for too long lol. A week before Christmas I got a fever and I did my best not to get him sick but he still got it and we ended up in bed for 2 days recovering together. And this past week he had roseola. I don't know know how he got it because he's not in daycare and I work from home.. but he had a fever for 3 days and a itchy rash for another 3 days and he was crying and scratching himself and couldn't sleep. I felt so bad 😔 but all you can do is take care and comfort them. They're going to get sick no matter how much we try to avoid it. And if you have any kids in daycare in the future. They'll be sick every month lol

My baby had either covid, influenza or rsv. We didn't test him because they treat all of those things the same way and they are all viral so theres no antibiotics. He was miserable for about 4 days and then he got over it.

Since the start of the year and starting nursery my girl has had 2 colds, a sickness and diarrhoea bug, pink eye and now has another cold 😫 the worst part is that she passes everything onto me and dad and we get it 15 times worse than she does 😭

I'm a sahm, my husband is gone 75% of the time. When my son had just turned 4 months, he got salmonella poisoning. High fever, chills, all of it. He basically fought it off on his own. Luckily, he was at least 50% breastfed, I believe that is what allowed him to fight it. He would only drink breastmilk during this time since it tasted better than formula. I had cooked chicken back to back within a week or two of each other. I must've not washed hands long/well enough, and he got it it that way. He had just started putting everything in his mouth, so that's what I'm thinking happened. I also wasn't sterilizing his bottles, so it could've happened from splatters on brushes or his dish bin. What's crazy is I even used gloves on the hand that was handling the chicken, I'm usually soooo careful about this sort of thing. I felt so bad for him and was so scared. When I took him to ER, tests for covod, RSV, and strep all came back negative. I then scheduled an appt with his Dr, and we did a stool sample because I

Wanted to know what was wrong with him. Needless to say, I BARELY cook now. 😅 I'm traumatized and scared to get my baby sick again. We ordered a Tovala oven and have meals delivered. I cook occasionally but I rarely touch chicken now. My baby also keeps me SUPER busy so that's part of it too. Most mommas have been where you've been and you are right, it's inevitable, especially when we're the primary caregiver, it's bound to happen. Your baby knows you love her and you are doing a WONDERFUL job!

If you kept him from getting sick till 10 months, that is great! Now let his immune system get some practice. He will be ok.

my baby is a week shy of 10 months. we’ve been sick a handful of times. when we lived with my boyfriend’s mom it wasn’t the healthiest home and there were too many people there to the point that if one of us was sick, all of us were and it just kept getting passed around. we had the flu and covid within the first 5 months. :/

@Megan this!!!

It’s literally inevitable don’t beat yourself up!! My girl has already had Covid AND RSV… AND WE DONT EVEN LEAVE THE HOUSE BECAUSE I DONT DRIVE😂… mom guilt sucks but you can’t protect them from everything no matter how much you try unfortunately:(

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