Probably depends on space in your car and your little ones centiles….we have the best safe stretch and love it for my long legged girl but it’s very space hungry, the axkid are more space friendly I think. And will they will go all the way up to hbb age x
we have the avionaut sky and love it, our lg should fit rear facing until about 5.5 years old, legs being bunched up isn’t an issue, they’re very flexible and will definitely find a place to put them that’s comfy☺️x
Legs bunched up isn’t a reason to change seats. The ipsin goes up to 19kg and 105cm, babies just cross their legs. This is my 2 year old in the same seat
Bunched up legs is not an issue. My 5 year old sits rear facing and crosses his legs in front of him. That said if you do want to move to something less bulky /longer lasting then axkid minikid, aviounaut sky is quite compact, there's loads of options.
Axkid one 3 x
Axkid mini kid 2 is great, depending on your vehicle can be installed with leg room so plenty of space, or if you have a smaller car it can be installed more compactly than the joie 360 as we have one of each
We just got the joie i360 r129 and love it, can be used up to 4 years old