Could have written this myself, my son was born at 36+5 too and had jaundice, we had a 4 day stay and took us around 3 or 4 days with feeding too, took about 2 weeks to start looking a more normal colour looking colour and we were lucky with his weight as he didn't loose a lot even with his poor feeding and quickly got back to it and then over it x
@Darcey sounds identical, he's 5 days old today and lost 8% but midwife wasn't concerned as he's had a slow start. Hopefully he'll be flying along soon! X
Honestly once we were home he was flying, he's 6 now and he's running rings round me hahah x
We had 3 days under phototherapy, he was born at 37 +4. Then it took 2 weeks to get back to birth weight. At 3 weeks he was still showing slight signs of jaundice so was referred for long jaundice. Blood test at 5 weeks shows it has completely cleared up. Hope that helps x