- What’s the ratio of children to adult - Will my child have their own key worker - Do you have an app / way to update parents throughout the day - What activities do you do with the children - What’s their routine like (ours try to stick to your home routine until 18months - I know not all do this) - What sort of food do you provide - Do you take the children out? - I asked them what they think the advantages of “this” nursery are - Where do the baby’s nap Basics like - Cost - What days / times do you have available - What’s include eg; nappies / formula - Settling in sessions - how many? What do they look like? - I asked if the preschool had a uniform - Do you do the funded hours (what does this look like - it’s very different nursery to nursery eg some only do term time only & most charge consumables) - Do you do the child free tax allowance If I think of any more I’ll edit as I go along
Agree with all the above. In addition if it concerns you - do they use agency staff? Some nurseries struggle with recruitment and have all sorts of random agency staff all the time - that was something I wasn’t comfortable with. I didn’t like the idea that someone that I didn’t know and that my daughter didn’t know might be suddenly looking after them on any given day.
Thank you very much for your thoughts and inputs my dear mums!! 🙏🏻 these are all very helpful! Hopefully we can find the right and best nursery for my son as it my anxiety is on the roof with regards to the though of leaving my baby with other people besides my family x
I had a list (have it on paper as I had to leave my phone out front at one of them) - ratios - kids per room - named worker - hours - lateness - illness policy - meals - nappies and other supplies - community visits - funded hours