We switched to pampers pull-ups instead. No leaks now.
@Rachel I’ll give them a go we shop at Tesco anyways too so easy to keep up! No she hasn’t had night feeds for months, it’s only since she started sleeping on her front that she’s leaked 🥲
@Melissa ooo never thought of those!! They’re like a waistband aren’t they so might be better!
We were having the same problem and also switched to pampers pull ups just for bedtime and have had no leaks since x
My daughter is a front sleeper and she wears pampers pull-ups. Never wet through xx
Sainsburys x
We have a front sleeper and her nappies are always so heavy on a morning from how much she wees a night. We use Tesco Fred & Flo size 4 nappies and havent had any problems with those so far 🤞🏻 Does your little one still have night feeds? We've found that weaning her off night bottles has made her wee alot less during the night.