Help Constipated baby

My LG is constipated, she’s straining and only passing little firm nuggets. I don’t know how to help her because she refuses to drink water. I’ve tried open cup, tomee tippee sippy cup, straw, bottle, she won’t drink from any of them. She was having fruit puree and yogurt for breakfast which I think was keeping her bowels in order but now she is refusing the spoon so we’ve switched to melon or mango fingers. She’s getting fruit and fruit juice from that but it’s obviously not enough. Her food intake has been really low for at least a week partially teething. Still EBF and getting lots of milk feeds What can I try next? I don’t want it to get worse or for her to be in pain.
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Have you tried prune puree? If she’s refusing from the spoon I would let her suck it straight from the pouch!

We were using prune puree before the spoon refusal. I have tried giving her the pouch, some goes in which is better than none I guess but mostly it ends up everywhere.

Camomile tea and caraway seed tea are really good. If you are breastfeeding you can take it yourself and she will get it through the milk.

Baby massage works a treat then a nice warm bath, I used this video xx

Freeze the prune puree in a little ice cube tray and give them in a fruit feeder, only thing which helps my little one

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