Baths frequency and times

Hi my little one is three months she’s usually goes to sleep between 10-11pm then sleeps through depending on how her reflux is, I’m just curious what time do mums bathe there baby and is it every day? As my LO loves the bath but she hates getting dried and dressed! Which then unsettles her and it takes her a while to come down once upset so I’m just trying to figure out the best time to bathe her considering her reflux and bed time.
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We bathe at 9pm and aim for a 10pm bedtime, although it doesn't always work out that way. Trying the napper app at the moment

Could you feed her before bath and then after once dressed it may calm her i usr to feed a little bit before bath to keep him happy then do once ready for bed like a top up?

@Jennifer thank you do you bath them every night?

@Hol I could try that potentially but if she’s too upset she won’t drink it and sometimes it’s immediately after the bath x

I use to do massage after aswel, i use to do every other night for a bath and would bathed around 8.30/9

i bathe every other day around 7, my LO cries too when i take her out but i massage her with oil and that seems to calm her down then she feeds and asleep by 8

Hi, I'm in a very similar boat : 3 month old with reflux, who loves a bath but hates the process of getting dressed afterwards. We only give her a proper bath twice a week because it dries out her skin too much to have it every night. If she's done a big poonami that needs a 'hose down' she gets extra baths to clean her, but those are obviously at random times of the day rather than bed time. At about 9pm I do a bedtime massage with olive oil every night, which she really enjoys. Before the bedtime massage, we make sure she has fed around 8-8.15 or so, so that she isn't hungry at 9pm yet but has had enough time to digest her feed (to reduce the reflux). If she's due a bath then it happens just before the massage, so around 8.45 pm. She cries a bit when you take her to the changing table from the bath, but she usually calms down once she realises it is massage time. She's then ready for another feed as soon as she's finished the massage and dressed, so by around 9.30 pm. She falls asleep soon afterwards!

I do my baby girl right before she’s due a bottle which is normally between 21:30- 22:00 that’s what time she has her baths every night ever since she was born! She sleeps the whole night but she’s only 11 weeks and that’s what she’s use to. Sometimes it takes her longer to fall asleep but I guess it depends how much she sleeps throughout the day I guess. Like today she’s still awake which is normally she’s already asleep by now.

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