I'm planning to send my son part time in reception. Feel full time is too much for him emotionally
I didn’t realise this was an option?
Yes I feel the same my son's birthday is right at the end of August. We're thinking of requesting part time, you also have the option to defer a year. They don't legally have to go full time until they're 5 so even if a school doesn't want to allow it they can't actually stop you only sending them part time
I’ve been looking into it since someone commented similar earlier - I’m thinking of requesting part time Atleast for a few months to ease her into it!
@Eleanor how does this work ?
I'm nervous.... he's such a gentle soul. Nursery and his child minder think he'll be good and he's ready. I'm scared of things like bullying... and recently I've seen like 3 incidences were children have taken their life due to bullying and I'm scared. The school i put as our 1st option is very diverse and is a relatively small school But a mum friend did tell me she had to talk to the school coz her little girl was being bullied.. after the chat things stopped but yeah I'm so scared of this and I'm now wondering how much of it is me being irrational vs me really needing to worry
I think I'll struggle more with it than my daughter. She loves learning, so I know she will enjoy it, but it will be hard as we currently have 2 or 3 days in the week where it is just me and her, so I think settling in might be a little difficult, especially as we are going to have to use breakfast and after school club. But I think I might book the first school week off and change my hours to pick up after school
Totally understand. I heard it's possible to have her home one day a week for reception year but I haven't looked too deep into it to tell u details! I feel very sad to not be seeing my little boy every day from September xxx