Terrified of more losses

I’ve been through two chemical pregnancies since thanksgiving. Now I’m 12 DPO and I have a positive test and I’m terrified it’s going to happen again. Trying to just give it to God but every gas pain or feeling of discharge or even sweat because it’s been humid I try not to panic and go check if I’m bleeding. Now I’m feeling bloated and super tired but it’s feeling a lot like my pms bloat and aches 😭 it’s all in my head right 😢 I don’t remember the achy feeling with the last two or when I was pregnant with my daughter…
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I had a chemical in November and I’m now 5 weeks now and as soon as I go that positive I called my OB and prescribed me progesterone and baby aspirin . Also had blood drawn to see if my HCG is doubling and so far so good . Maybe message your OB

I’m sorry for your losses! It’s so hard not to overthink things when you’ve had a loss. I’ve had both a late loss and two chemicals and the anxiety never fully goes away, you just have to trust that everything will be okay. We had a cycle break after our two chemicals and successfully conceived the cycle after. Don’t lose hope x

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