Anything after 20 weeks will test positive in baby poop even if out of your body.
They… test poop in PA?? Here in CA they just take a urine sample. They have a special bag that goes in the diaper and it gets tested the same way the adults do. But now I’m wondering if they do poop drug tests for adults too over there?? The more you know, how wild.
@Cheyenne they test baby’s first poop in most states for drug use (: i believe also other medical concerns too
@Cheyenne its meconium, the first poop that is stored in the intenstines that’s created starting around 20 weeks. Hospitals depending on the state test it automatically. I’m not sure PA does but I’ve heard from PA friends that it’s been tested for them. I don’t want to worry OP though so I’m not going to say it happens every time in that state. They would not need our poop to test our body because of our blood. Since the meconium is supposed to happen within 24 hours and it can determine if the mother has smoked from 20 weeks onward, that’s why they would test the child through that method.
if you just hit it once at 19 weeks your system should clear out by the time you give birth. if you’ve been smoking up until now it may be dicey because of the concentration in your system and how long it takes to flush thc depending on your metabolism water intake etc. the best way to know you won’t test positive is to abstain from smoking (: I have a medical card (FL) and they test all babies poop at birth as well as cord blood. i stopped smoking entirely by 8w (i was very paranoid about the lack of research) and it still took about 3.5 months for me to pee “negative” although my levels were dropping steadily so they knew i wasn’t still smoking. CPS never got involved in my case and my baby is way ahead of milestones, social and HAPPY. don’t worry too much but yes smoking anything while you’re pregnant doesn’t give your body the best opportunity to do what it’s supposed to for your little babe