After your 6 week checkup.
Your stitches may have fully healed but internally, you have not. Wait the 6 weeks - you’ve literally had a wound the size of a dinner plate healing. The 6 weeks is there for a reason.
With my first, I was still super sore after 6 weeks with a 2nd degree tear. We ended up waiting a little longer but using lube definitely helped as well!
I was no where near ready after the 6 weeks. I had a second degree tear as well. 7 months postpartum and it's starting to become more enjoyable for me at times it still hurts it feels like the scar tissue is stretching. I have not had a big O yet since the baby but I can tell it's just around the corner.
6-7w. I had trouble waiting even that long but he wouldn’t touch me down there until 6w he was warned by the midwife already 😂 so even if I wanted to at 4w, nope, he respects me and respects my need to heal. He was happy for me to give him head but 💁🏻♀️😂 I mean, the man had a reminder on his phone in capitals WIFEY IS 6W PP lmao
@Mar I orgasmed in 5mins at 6w sex but my god it HURT. Like minor contractions came on as soon as I orgasmed, the same ones we feel when BF, like the ones our uterus contracting back to size - those ones. Don’t recommend! lol
I’m going to be honest I didn’t wait 6 weeks I only waited 4.
@Nikki i’m only 17 days postpartum and don’t know how I could possibly wait six weeks. Reading these post makes me nervous to have sex again. But I feel ready but maybe my body isn’t?
@rosie honestly every women is different and physically it wasn’t painful but I had only two stitches. The reason why you’re supposed to wait 6 weeks is to avoid an infection because it takes 6 weeks for your uterus to go back to normal. At birth you get a giant plate sized hole from the baby exiting the womb and it takes 6 weeks to go back to normal.
3 weeks. Had stitches.
The recommended/ 6 week pp check up