Mucus Plug

I’m 33 weeks and lost my mucus plug on Friday. I have been feeling lots of pressure and inconsistent back pain ever since 🥲 this is my 3rd pregnancy and I don’t remember feeling like this with my other two. Is it normal to lose the plug so soon?
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Baby’s have been early this year so maybe it’s baby time? I’m not sure I’m currently working on my second so idk what’s normal

Sounds like something you should talk to your provider about. Losing your mucus plug is a sign of labor impending.

I have read the mucus plug can be lost a few weeks before going into labor, but definitely call your provider as you have other symptoms. But like I said, you could still be good for a few weeks

Did you lose the whole thing or just part? Cause mucus plugs can regenerate so it’s not always a sign of labor. Some people continuously keep losing pieces for weeks. But for others yeah it can be a sign for labor. So I would mention it to your doctor especially with the other symptoms.

@Kara yeah. I’ve been losing parts since like the end of the first trimester/start of second 😅

@Ali yeah I would definitely give the OB a call and just double check. Always better to be safe than sorry 💜

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