@Miriam they said he had that at the ER after they told us it was “resolved” but it kept happening… but at his 2 month appointment his pediatrician said it was nothing :/ I’m so confused and don’t know what to do! And yes he spits up a lot :(
I would insist they do more testing if he's still having blood in his stool
Does your baby drink breast milk or formula? Blood in stool, mucus and vomit (lots of spit up) sounds like a milk problem. I'm not a medical expert, this is just from our first and the reading I did while we were trying to figure out what was going on. There's lactose intolerance and milk allergy (more uncommon in babies) But there's also problems digesting cow milk proteins for young infants because cow milk proteins are bigger than human breast milk. Young infants digestive systems are growing and sensitive so some have problems digesting the proteins. This can be from formula (many are cow protein based) or from you drinking cow milk as the proteins pass through breast milk. Soy can also be a problem likewise. I switched formula (there are goat milk based formulas) and have up dairy. I then introduced goat and sheep based dairy and we saw pretty quick improvement and then more improvement over a few weeks. He grew out of this by 1 and has no problems with dairy btw.
@Miriam he is fully breastfeeding, I asked the pediatrician if we could switch to formula and he dismissed me and said it wasn’t necessary because he was “just fine” and it wasn’t a milk protein thing, nor the intussusception they said he had, and basically told me it was “blood left over from that” then today when I changed his diaper he had blood in the stool again..
Well it's no fun when you don't feel like they listen to you... Well, you could try giving up dairy and see if it has any effect for a bit and keep bugging them to listen to you. If you not having dairy doesn't have any effect, you can go back to having it.
@Miriam I really appreciate your help!🥰
If your peds is not listening to you please change doctors. My baby had microscopic blood in stool and I was told to stop dairy as I am breastfeeding due to possible milk protein allergy and seen a big change as she was fussy and gassy a lot
Eeeep. That's no fun. We had milk protein problems. Never had blood in the stool but I remember it was something to watch out for. Mucus in the stool was another thing that went with that. Do they spit up/vomit a lot? (You might have to talk to someone else if your Dr isn't addressing whatever is going on but you could always call/message and say it's happening again)