
I’m not anti-vax, however i’m curious if you have followed the suggested schedule or opted out on any and why?
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Yes i did and i got the elective ones too for me and my whole family and my newborn made it through cold and flu season without getting sick and i have a toddler in daycare.

Yes we followed it for both kids I have a cousin who survived polio and watching and helping her growing up showed me how important vaccines are. I get delaying for medical reasons but this I did my own research for me is insane when you can just work with the pediatrician and they can inform which ones are okay to delay but that’s just me

i opted out of all (besides was basically forced for the vit k for my son since he needed life saving surgery) and decided to do this because i read up on and did a lot of research on them and decided for my family that we were not okay with the side effects had they happened so we decided it was best to omit from them all. my 3 kids are all very healthy and we don’t regret saying no to any of them.

We are following the recommended schedule and have also gotten the electives (RSV, TDAP, flu & covid booster for me while pregnant). I work in pediatrics and have seen too many preventable deaths from diseases that could have been avoided by vaccination. I would suggest you do your own research from accredited sources like the CDC, NIH and AAP if you're on the fence. No one can make that decision for you and it's good to be informed!

We’ve done them all on time for both kids except for Covid and flu. My husband and I both didn’t get those two so my kids won’t either.

My daughter got all of the regular vaccines. I also got the flu, Covid, pneumonia, and meningitis vaccines. My daughter is 5 months tomorrow and neither of us have gotten sick aside from me getting a couple of colds in the first few months pp.

I’ve opted out of all for both of my girls. I’ve done some serious research and personally feel the risk outweighs the benefits for US.

I am absolutely getting all of them including optional bc I've seen what the illnesses do otherwise

@MK CDC is scrubbing a lot of info from their websites so maybe not them unfortunately :/ unless you use the archives

@Finn this is true, which is why I also added other sources. However, as of right now, vaccine safety information is still available on the main CDC need to dive into the archives just yet!

Thank you all for the replies!

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