We use pampers! The best! Don’t get me wrong we do have a poonami once in a while! Have you checked the weight ? Also there is something called napisan on Amazon which is so good at getting stains out! How that helps x
We use Aldi they are great- had one or two ones like you’ve described but usually well contained inside.
Mine loves to do them at night, so we both end up awake longer than needed😒😂 We use pampers too, but I used amazon's mama bear with my first and we rarely got poonamis. Silly question but have you pulled the nappy out a bit at the sides? Pulling the elastic out a bit helps contain it a bit better..if that makes any sense 😂x
We use Aldi had about 2 explosions other than that no issues at all x
Agree with the comments but for the clothes cold water to get most of the poo out then get a vanish bar! It’s amazing 🤩 then on the machine as normal x
I moved my lo up to size 3 and that seems to have helped!
I use Lidl’s bio powder and Lidl’s version of vanish and it works great at 40° on the poo covered clothes. Vanish pre-wash spray for the rare times a second round is needed
I’ve tried aldi, Lidl, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Ocado and still pampers premium (the yellow one) is the best. I was getting multiple poonamis a day but now with pamper I only get one every few days. I use fairy non bio but the platinum one and that’s really good. I’m guilty of sometimes just throwing poo vests in the bin as he growing so quick anyway 🤨 I know that’s wasteful. His poo baby grows I will soak in cold water, soak in napisan and then in wash.
I use pampers I used to have leaks all the time until I realised the blue lining needs to be pulled out 🙈 Also check the weight my boy put on weight quickly and I didn’t realise so just before he was 2 months we were using size 3
We use aldis during the day and pampers at night xx
I know what you mean. Since sizing up I can't find decent nappies. Newborn nappies Aldi were the best. Now they're all rubbish. Maybe will have to invest in Pampers after all 🙄
Sainsburys own brand
We had this at every poop nappy until my GP said it shouldn’t be as watery as it was so we changed from aptamil to Hipp and I swear we havnt had a leak since. It’s like paste now that stays in the nappy 😂
Napisan is a game changer for these stains, they sell it in B&M bargains.
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Sometimes it's the pressure from the poos, so I make sure the clothes aren't too tight around their bottoms. I use Aldi and Tesco nappies, not too many poonamis but maybe I'm just lucky
Napisan non-bio stain remover for the poo stains, soak in napisan and then add to your wash and they will come right out. Napisan around £4.50 in Morrisons, Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury's don't buy it off Amazon. Could try sizing up baby's vest so there's more room around the nappy or sizing up your nappy to decrease blow outs.
Pampers def the best for us. Napisan has got every poo stain out so far. Soak 💩 clothes in cold water and napisan as quickly after the event as possible. Then put in the next wash with napisan aswell as usual Detergent. Honestly amazing!!
This was happening to us and turned out we were doing the nappies wayyyyy too loose! I was worried about doing it tighter coz I didn’t wanna hurt baby, then midwife shown me how tight and since then barely ever get any leaks no matter what brand I use xx
I use pampers yellow pack and fingers crossed not had any leaky nappies yet Xx