Could you offer to work some other extra hours to show willing at busy periods maybe to make some time up. Just an idea maybe 🤔 it’s annoying how women are expected to drop everything to be the one to always do pick ups and stay at home when sick. Dad should shoulder some of the times it happens in my opinion. But not the case my end always me sadly
Is there anyway you could make up some hours with working from home? At the end of the day your boy comes first. Is there anyone else that could pick him up such as a grandparents? Dad? Or even a friend?x
I work evenings and super early if my son is poorly and when he naps so I still get my hours done x
@Kaykay🇬🇧🇹🇹 that’s a good shout, didn’t think of getting of doctors note but I’ll call them today and see if they can help me out x
@Rosie it’s so hard isn’t it! When he’s poorly he just wants his mum and it doesn’t make financial sense for my husband to be off work with him as he makes more than me 😬 I don’t think people realise how hard it is being a working mum
@Julia I think I’ll suggest that just so they know I’m trying all I can! We literally don’t have any help whatsoever for childcare and dad can’t really take time off work with his role so it always falls on me x
@Lucy yes it really is so hard. Luckily I can sometimes fall back on my mom to come and have him. I’m off on maternity now with my second so luckily not in that boat anymore. But I will be soon with the two x & yes ppl don’t understand at all esp ppl without kids ppl have their own problems in life going on. But as long as you do your work to the best of ability when you are in and at work they can’t really do anything about it x
Your son comes first simple as that, they need to understand that. Maybe book some time off to care for him instead of constantly calling off. Take him to the gp so you can have a doctors note to give your employer