Did anyone experience this too?

I live in a multicultural area with people from all backgrounds, which you can see also from the variety of races at the playground. Without mentioning my own race nor the other race, it occurred to me that I never got any issues with other races except from one, which seems to be often approaching me/my children rudely and aggressively. Below a series of examples of behaviours I experienced : 1. I was heavily pregnant and with my 1 year old and my mum at the playground. My mum was pushing my baby on the swing and I was sitting on the next swing. There were 4 free swings right next to the one I was sitting on, with no difference from the one I was sitting on. A girl around 8, overweight and strongly built came very close to me, pointed at the swing and said “I want to sit there”. If I hadn’t been pregnant I would have told her to simply use the next bench, but since she was standing way too close to me and talking aggressively I just moved over 1 swing to avoid any risk. As I sat on the next swing the girl said “my friend has to sit there” (there was nobody with her). At this point since she was at a safe distance from me on the other swing I just ignored her. She repeated it a couple of times then gave up and just swinged on her swing. 2. Another day I was blowing bubbles for my baby on the swing, when a boy around 10 came by (still way too close to me) and asked “can I try?” wanting to get the wand from me. I said “no, it’s for the baby” and gave the wand to my mum so that she could continue blowing the bubbles as I kept a bit of distance. The boy kept standing very close to us and asked twice more to my mum, and finally left after we ignored him. 3. I was at a playgroup with my baby with children of different ages and we were singing songs in a circle. A much bigger child was next to my baby and kept clapping her hands as hard as she could close to my baby’s face, and my baby was startled by this. When I was about to leave she said “your baby is scared of hands clapping”. Any advice on how to deal with similar situations in the future?
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No matter what kind of area you live in, you will always find entitled folk that weren’t raised properly.

For situation # 1 honestly no clue. Sounds like you had it handled For situations like # 2 I would’ve said something like “we can blow some for you to chase & pop but we don’t wanna spill any and lose bubbles so we’ll keep blowing them” For situations like # 3 I would not have let that happen, I would’ve said “clapping that close to anyone is rude” and I would’ve hoped their parent heard me. I’m not gonna like parent someone else’s kid, but if someone is in me or my kids personal space, I’m gonna fucking say something.

I’m not convinced this is a race thing so much as a little gobshites thing. Stop letting little children bully you. “I’m using this swing right now, you can use that one or, better yet, sod off.” “This isn’t for you. Go play in traffic.” “Stop clapping your hands in front of my baby if you enjoy them being attached to your wrists.” See? As long as no one overhears you, you can say whatever you want.

@Sharon 🤣 real as fuck.

Yeah I don’t see how this is about race, this is about kids being little shits, which happens regardless of race. 1. You’re a grown woman why are you scared of an 8 year old, overweight or otherwise? All you had to say was “no I’m sitting here, there’s plenty other swings”. 2. You handled that fine, you said no. 3. Tell the child to stop clapping in your baby’s face.

@Katrina yeah I absolutely ignored all the race remarks here & just answered how I’d handle the situations explained lmfao because what the fuck?

Children of all races can be rude, entitled, inconsiderate etc, please don’t try and draw some sort of correlation.

This made me rage lmao clapping in my kids face would’ve made me crash out 🤣

This doesn’t sound like it’s anything to do with race. The first girl sounded like she had an imaginary friend but kids are like that. The second one I might of said I’ll do it once as Ive brought it for the baby. Or maybe just don’t do it in a public space like that as it’s kind of like bringing toys to a sandpit that other kids will want to play with. The third one I think is from experience of not sitting near older children who will clap and sing loudly as that is what they do. This all seems pretty normal child behaviour.

You’re a better person than me Incog, I have no patience for bratty kids and would have told the 10yo boy to piss off 🤣 ok maybe a kinder version of that lol but these kind of kids don’t take no for an answer so best to get rid of them quickly. As for situation 1, depending on what mood I was in, I would have told her to choose another swing and ignored her, or if I couldn’t be bothered, just do what you did and moved. If she railed up I would have asked where her parent was as I wanted a word with them. As for situation 3, I would have loudly asked “whose child is this? Can you have a word please as they’re being a nuisance”. Or if no one claimed them, would have clapped loudly in their face and say see, not nice is it 🤣

I think race has got zero to do with it .. kids will be kids and you’ve just got to not cave in to them 🤷‍♀️ sounds like you handled every situation really well x

Be more proactive in protecting your children Don't worry about offending or upsetting rude people End of

I live in a very culturally diverse city and this is not a race thing. Could be an age thing though. 1) I'm using this swing right now, you can use this one after my turn 2) bubbles are so much fun! These are for the baby so you can't blow but you can try to catch some 3) uh oh too close, this is the babys safe bubble can you take one step back please (we use hula hoop but bubble seems universally understood)

@Katrina I was pregnant and she looked both aggressive and not very bright in the mind. She was way too close to me and aggressive. What is your option then if she tries to hit me? A heavy kid hitting can still be dangerous for a pregnant woman. If I wasn’t pregnant I wouldn’t care and just ignore her, if she tried to hit me I’ll push her away and if some adult has an issue about it I don’t have a problem getting physically confrontational with them too, but not when I’m pregnant.

@Karen it is ridiculous I can’t bring soap bubbles to blow to my baby on the swing as they had so much fun and it is a good sensory play for them. Other children can pop the bubbles once the get over my baby (as other kids did), but nothing makes them entitled to other people’s stuff. Also everybody should be able to bring toys to the sandpit, otherwise what’s the fun about just sitting on sand?

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@Parker 又 I haven’t made any remarks about any race so I don’t know to what remarks you are referring too. I stated the truth which is it only have happened to me with kids from a specific race and not other races. This is a fact from my own experience, not a sort of opinion.

No race issue. Just kids being punks. And I like punking little ass bossy punks. lol. I’ve dealt with all of these from all different kinds of kids. Number 2 seems like every kid who wants to play with bubbles. I would have just blew him some to play with.

I feel like you haven't been around many children in your life.

i understand your frustration bc kids can be annoying and entitled and lack boundaries but this has nothing to do with race. i’m confused bc how does an 8 year old “look aggressive and not very bright in the mind” ??? because she’s overweight? the actions of these children have nothing to do with what they look like?

@Zainab🗝️ my oldest is 1.5 years old so that’s how long I have been around children (I am the oldest of my siblings and they don’t have kids yet, and we are all close in age so I did not take care of them as children).

I'm the oldest child of the oldest son. I have pictures of myself holding babies that are now adults. I've been around more kids than I would like in my life. Not just in my own family but in general. I've been told I attract children (they just walk up to me and want to be picked up). Kids are weird. You just happened to get 3 from the same race I guess. They call where I live multicultural but it's still like 68-75 percent white. What do you define as being multicultural? Like the actual stats of where you live or just what you see with your own eyes.

this is all weird. stop letting yourself be bullied by children and stop trying to blame a child’s behavior on their race or find a correlation between the two. super weird.

“An 8 year old looked aggressive and not very bright in the mind” what a horrible way to speak about a CHILD. so because she was, in your opinion, overweight you think she would have hit you for not moving? You are the adult in this scenario please act like it. I worked in a nursery with some “aggressive” children when I was pregnant, I know many people who have worked in schools when pregnant. You’re fine.

exactly!! @Katrina i work in special education with behavioral children and did so while pregnant and i was fine lol

@Mia same! same job and was totally fine!

@Katrina if you want to risk being hit when pregnant that’s your business. There is plenty of news articles of teachers losing babies after being hit by pupils. I am definitely not going to risk it either mine.

@Sirah who blamed race? I didn’t even say what race the kids were. I stated the fact that it only ever happened to me coming from one race, which is a fact. That is also why if anyone else experienced the same. It might be someone else did or nobody else did, but from the post results 25% of mums experienced the same.

@Katrina @MiaI don’t think being overweight would make her hit me, but that would make the hit more dangerous as by the law of physics the heavier the body hitting you the stronger the hit. I was afraid she would hit me because she came very close to me and talked aggressively which didn’t seem something someone 100% sound in the mind would do.

Honestly it’s not race it’s how people are raised and honestly some of those stories sound like kids being kids

@Sirah no, I state the FACT that it only happened to me from one race and asked if anyone experienced the same. My individual observation is not sufficient to draw conclusions about a race.

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Definitely kids just being kids

The post has yet to make sense

Incog, I answered your original question. After that I agreed with other commenters because the phrasing of this post is odd.

@Zainab🗝️ your initial reply and feedback questions yet have to make sense to me.

Which park did this happen in Incog? I’m curious if it’s the same one my mate says she no longer goes to due to similar annoying older kids (she lives in Harrow Weald). Do you live in the nice or shitty part of Harrow? I lived in the nice part many, many years ago but boy oh boy avoided the rough parts like the plague.

@Neena Harrow recreation ground (near Morrisons). It is usually a very nice and safe part, hence why these were even more disturbing for me and really stood out. Luckily I didn’t see these kids again after, but if I did I would avoid like plague.

It's literally kids just being weird 🤷

I think this post is a bait post for anti multiculturalism. There I said it.

Considering just a couple days ago there was a group of British women expressing their anti immigration, anti refugee and over all disgust towards a multicultural UK, you confirmed it when you confirmed where you live. Good try. I'm sure there is a Reddit page for this. Is this the person who was messaging people to tell them they can't disagree with them when they accuse immigrant men of being rapists?

@Zainab🗝️ you don’t even know what race I am. In fact, I am myself an immigrant in the UK, so is most of my family. So basically you are saying that because I live in the UK I am anti immigration? How does that makes sense? That is quite a huge leap and prejudice against all people living in the UK. Also I have not referred to any culture, so I don’t know where you get the idea about immigration and multiculturalism from my post. The kids I mentioned are actually much more likely to be born in the UK and have a British passport than me (since race and nationality are 2 different concepts and there are citizens of every race and immigrants of any race).

Ok there OP. Real weird post and weird timing from you. If you're having problems with British children probably just say that and stop being fatphobic and ableist. It's not cute.

@Zainab🗝️ who said I have problems with British children? Plus over half of the people in the comments say it is something normal for them, so I don’t see how this is a “bait” anything. I don’t even know what you mean by read timing. I never messaged anybody apart from my connections on this app and I have never accused any man of being a rapist in my life. Also I was way more fat than that girl when I was pregnant, so you can hardly call me fat phobic and I have no idea of where you got ableist from.

@destiny 🪷 against what race?

Whomever you have an issue with, British, Asian, British children who are British by citizenship, whatever . Take it up with their parents. Don't come on here and be like I'm not going to tell you my race but I'm going to tell you a story about kids whose race isn't mine, the race has actually no meaning in the stories. Then I'm going to say everyone is weird for saying this is weird. There is nothing to gain from this post.

@Zainab🗝️ if you don’t find the post insightful you are more than welcome not to engage with it. Other people have engaged with it and found it interesting. You don’t own the app and people are welcome to engage with posts whether you find them relevant or not. This is a support app for parents so this is definitely the right place to ask about how other parents woul deal with the situation involving them and their children. I also mentioned the children gender in the post which was twice girls and a boy, so does that make me sexist? I have mentioned FACTS about events that have happened to me, not opinions or judgments against a race. It is a fact that these children belong to a specific race as much as they had a specific gender.

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@Zainab🗝️ you can have an opinion on immigration and NOT be a racist. My kids are half asian and their grandparents are from Africa. I am most definitely NOT a racist. I have opinions on immigration that i feel under your previous comment would label me ‘unfairly’ a racist. Its important people are able to have the difficult conversations, regardless of their differing view points. @incognito i cant help but feel this kid is being unfairly scrutinised based on your assumptions of her. Shouldn’t she only be guilty of her actions? She was being a kid. Granted she lacked mannerism. But you cant blame her for the thoughts you had of her in your head.

And for extra clarity; people may assume it’s a bait post because you specifically mentioned “race” while leaving out any identifying information about any races involved (not even your own); so some may assume you were hoping for replies where people guessed what race you are and what race the kids were. Which would’ve been disgusting and I’m glad most every comment just said race has nothing to do with any of it.

@Elisha I was not blaming the girl but I was explaining why I moved away instead of confronting her, as people were telling me that as a “grown woman” I shouldn’t feel intimidated although I was pregnant.

@Parker 又 I wasn’t inviting people to guess anything, I was asking how they would deal with the situation. Actually no comment at all was trying to find out what race I am or what races are involved except from the person accusing me of making a “bait” who was the one who wanted to find out what races are living in my area. The same person who accused me of being anti immigrant whilst being an immigrant. It is disgusting if people would make such assumptions about me and it definitely is not about my conduct which wasn’t anyhow racist, but due to some preconceptions in their own mind.

Hey I didn’t accuse you of anything, I explained why some may assume such things.

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