Did u do it gradually as recommended or did u just switch? Mucus could be an indication that it's irritating the intestines but it could also just be her body getting use to it again
@Gunes I’m just hoping shes just adjusting but she is having unsettled periods where she seems in pain.
@Willow we did it gradually, I’ve left a voicemail with gastro paediatrician who advised us to swap, hopefully she gets back to me soon. Hate to think we are upsetting her more by swapping.
I hope u hear bk soon n they give u some advise my babies dietician n paediatrician r bloody useless x
@Jenny just to follow on from my initial comment, just did a poopy nappy change and it was exactly as you described now. Yellow and mucusy - and same with he seems abit more unsettled. Hopefully our LOs feel better soon and it’s just an adjustment period
@Gunes I hope it’s an adjustment period ! When did you swap him over?
@Jenny me too! We made the switch last Tuesday 🥲
No particular advice but weve just recently switched from Aptamil Anti Reflux to normal formula and he has literally had watery poos the last couple of days and not sure whether this is normal too? I’ve seen that it can take 2 weeks for babies to adjust to new formula but really hoping I’m not doing any harm.