Honestly the only medication that works for my anxiety attacks is Ativan/ Xanax. But providers are really hesitant to prescribe it these days because it’s habit forming. The only time they have was when I was having severe panic attacks to the point I would hyperventilate, crying spells etc. I was having a hard time a few weeks ago too and took one but regretted it because although it calms you down, I was so sleepy it was hard to keep my eyes open during nighttime feedings and that’s too dangerous. I also used to be prescribed hydroxezine which is like a stronger Benadryl which also helped but same thing, super tired. Try some self care, bubble baths, lotions, facial massage, meditation. Journaling can help also, walks outside. There are some supplements too like ashwagana, NAC, fish oil, milk thistle, a b complex can help too. I hope this helps, take care ♥️
I’m on 2 different types I’m on lexapro and burspirin
@Dawson what’s the buspirin for?
@Laura thank you. I made an appointment so hopefully I’ll be able to. It’s honestly hard to get out with 4 kids. I just had my twins 3 weeks ago. 🫠 I will step outside for moments if I need to
@Ashley thank you! I used to take hydroxyzine before and it made me super tired as well. Are you taking any supplements to help with that? If so what kind?
That’s definitely overwhelming! What is your support like? Anyone available to give you 30 mins to yourself?
You’re welcome! The b complex helps with energy levels
You can get through this. It’s such a stressful time and you’re already doing a great job reaching out for help/advice. Have you booked an appt with your provider to talk about medication adjustment? How about the non-medication options; a shower, walk outside, sleep/nap, even getting dressed in daytime clothes?