
My little girl is 5 and a half months and for the past week or so she’s started grunting/whinging ALL the time. Not crying just grunting. Kind of sounds like she straining but she’s not - nappies are fine and she’s having a poo once or twice per day which is her normal. Is anyone else’s little one like this? Don’t know whether it’s teething. Or now she’s started to roll over, I’m not sure whether she’s frustrated that she can’t move about as much as she wants to (is desperately moving her arms and legs when she’s rolling onto her stomach like she just wants to be away). Boredom maybe but even does it when I’m playing with her. She’s usually such a happy little girl and don’t get me wrong, she still is - just doesn’t sound it when she’s grunting and whining all the time. The noise is absolutely awful!! Anyone else? 🤣
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We've been getting lots of grunting, sounds like he's uncomfortable but doesn't appear to be. Not sure what's causing it, not constipated either

Yes my 6 month old is doing the same, She is whinging all the time & its so not like her. Nothing I do helps at the moment, seems like shes fustrated xx

My son is going through this as well, not sure what to do either! It's like he's frustrated 😕

We’re going through this too, she makes the same noise when I lift her lip up to look at her gums so I presumed it was teething. Also suffers from cmpa and reflux so wasn’t sure if it was that too. I wish they could tell us what was going on 😅

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