Is this CMPA? (poo pics)

My L-O is almost 4.5 months and I suspect he might have CMPA or dairy sensitivity. I am a FTM and not sure what is normal for his poos. His symptoms: - mucus in poos - eczema which started mild in November when he was 2.5months and now getting worse on his cheek but also on his arms - occasionally spits up vomit (once or few times per day - a small amount) - poos that smell acidic - a bit of silent reflux - recently sleeps worse (but might be the 4month regression as well) He is EBF and I don’t have much dairy, but I sometimes have cheese and a latte sometimes and of course dairy as ingredients in the products I eat. I did not think of it much as he is generally quite happy and gaining weight. Could you please help me to see if I am overthinking or there is something not ok with his poos? Sorry for the photos in the comments. Thank you advance!
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I would say it’s very possible it is a dairy allergy. You can try cutting all dairy out of your diet and seeing if things improve to give you a better idea. That’s what the GP/dietician will tell you to do

It looks like it could be I would save the picture to show the pediatrician also

Thank you 🙏 - I was concerned about his poos on November - when I took the pics but never got to actually show them to a GP because my baby seemed overall well. I showed the pics today to a GP but he did not take me seriously so I will reach out to my private GP about this. I will also post exclude diary from my diet. Do you recommend excluding soy and eggs at the same time?

I am currently going through this myself! I’ve cut dairy and soya for now as I don’t eat cooked eggs enough to bother. Eggs cooked into foods are typically okay my GP said.

It took us months to get a diagnosis and to get her on the right milk, the GPs aren’t very good generally speaking. I would only start with cutting dairy, then if symptoms carry on maybe try soya next as they say dairy and soya are closely linked though my daughter is fine with soya. It can take weeks for it to be fully out of your system so you may not see results straight away either x

Yes he's definitely sensitive to something you are eating. Could be a CMPA so I'd recommend speaking with his pediatrician and showing them these photos. My pediatrician unfortunately would not listen to me and kept telling me everything seemed normal when I knew something was wrong. My son was always uncomfortable and so gassy he couldn't sleep. I finally went to a pediatric GI and it was confirmed he had a CMPA. Always listen to your gut. You know your baby best. I'd recommend cutting dairy out completely which can be very hard but make sure you check all ingredients especially in baked goods. Even a tiny bit could be upsetting his tummy. It can also take up to 6 weeks for dairy to get out of your system so don't be discouraged if it seems to take a while. Obviously if symptoms or poos get way worse after stopping dairy then it may not be dairy but it will take some time to figure it all out. Good luck!

Thank you! I excluded diary from my diet but will book a call with a doctor to check his poo and other symptoms.

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