Have you argued with your partner in front of kids (shouting/crying) ?

I had a fight yesterday with my husband that involved shouting and my daughter (16 months) starting crying so we cut short the fight and picked her up and consoled her etc. but I later also cried in front of her and she was looking at me. I’m just so hurt that she had to see this. We do argue in front of her but shouting us only happened once before. How does it impact the child? I’m so worried I’ve impacted her mentally. As a kid my parents fought a lot in front of us and it’s not a happy memory and I attribute lot of my mental health issues to that. Please share some advice/experience.
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No. Me and my partner will have disagreements in front of our daughter but we never shout. I also grew up in a household like that and it was horrible. I’m sure your daughter will be fine as a one off, but I would be mindful in future of the little ears

It does happen, but it's very scary and upsetting for children... Witnessing one argument in her whole life isn't going to cause detrimental damage to her mental health but it's definitely something to be mindful of for the future. If it was a continuous and regular thing it can cause significant emotional harm, but a one-off mistake is absolutely not something to beat yourself up over. Use this as a reminder to take some space and address it later when little one is in bed/not with you both xxx

Conflicts will arise in a relationship and I know it’s hard to keep them private. As far as the yelling goes, you should never be yelling and screaming around your kids either to you and your partner or to you and your child. Having a civil discussion about something, working to resolve an issue, is absolutely fine to do around your children, as long as you can keep your emotions intact. That directly teaches your child how to resolve conflict. Also do not worry about crying with your child, as your emotions are valid too, and they need to learn that their emotions are also valid. You can talk to your child and explain what you’re sad about, or confused about, or happy about,. Hope this helps you. 🥰

@Cotswoldmama thanks, I will definitely be super careful in the future even if that means avoiding my husband altogether becz we don’t have a good marriage and we have a lot of disagreements but we do a good job of keeping a happy environment for her. I’m just so hurt thinking about her crying face 😞

Sometimes these things happen, and you responded and comforted her when she was upset. Don't beat yourself up about it, at least you're aware and thinking about it. I am working on not shouting in arguments myself, and not shouting in front of my little one is one of my motivations as well. We can only do our best 😊

@Laura thankyou so much for your honest reply. It’s helps to know you’re not alone or the only household where this happens. I’ve come a long way from my childhood with constant shouting and fighting and I’m really proud of that. But I want to improve and my daughter is my motivation too. Sending you hugs sis ♥️

I grew up in a household with lots of shouting, threats, police visits - mostly alcohol fuelled - but I remember it all so clearly. I don’t think it’s healthy for a child and like you I think a lot of those memories have negatively impacted my mental health as an adult. If it’s a one off then fine, move on but I think if it’s something that happens often, you should seriously question why you are together. I’m glad my parents split up now and that the toxic environment ended when it did (I was 7/8 by that point) You know what’s best for your child xx

My husband and I never do it. We can raise voices sometimes in an argument but it’s rare and I can see how stressed my son becomes because of it. So the iron rule for us is to discuss all disagreements behind closed doors. My parents are married for over 40 years but I grew up in the household with a lot of arguing and shouting. Nothing physical, no alcohol. But those constant verbal fights impacted me a lot. My biggest childhood fear was that my parents will divorce. I felt this fear deep in my core.

I would just try to start getting into the habit of having more calm words with each other in another room .. or perhaps after she’s gone to bed just use that time to address anything? X

me and my partner honestly argue all the time our relationship in just burnt out at this point. And sometimes we've argued infront of our daughter. I know we shouldn't and we are working on it. It's alot about self control tbh. Like yes I wanna say something smart and cuss him out but is it really worth it? Is he really gonna listen? it's different if we can talk but if all we're gonna do is take low shots at each other than ima just stop responding and arguing infront of her. Put in headphones or go for a walk if you need. It's hard and it will take practice but just keep reminding yourself that and it'll get easier

Yes but it doesn’t mean we should normalize that

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