Stay at home jobs

Heya hope everyone okay, this is a very important question? I have a part time job Monday-Tuesday and Saturday and I’m a stay at home mum Wednesday - Thursday- Friday - Sunday, I’ve been trying to find a job I can do when I’m at home I need more income me and my partner trying to move out this year. Does anyone know anything? I’ve got not much experience on things I’m goal for the next two years is to be a tattoo artist but I need more income now. Can someone please message me or just right back on here.
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I’ve been trying to get a remote position for a while now. It’s been hard. Places have been super picky! I’ve tried everything lol hope you have better luck!!

You will be lucky to find something where they don’t mind you having children home with you! Are you entitled to any UC or anything like that ?

I’m in the USA but I’m sure there is something similar; I got a PA job through an agency. I work 10 hrs a week doing basic scheduling for a household. I make decent money for how little work it is and it requires basic education.

June care!

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